14 | Great Minds Think Alike

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A meeting cannot be a meeting when a leader is not present, so they called it a council of war. It suited the agenda much more; a rebellion.

"Don't call it a rebellion, let's see it as more of a revolt." Bellamy told his councillors, five of them; Mbege, Connor, Myles and Sterling with the honorary member of Clarke Griffin joining their ranks.

"Revolt implies she is in a position of power, she's not. You are pretty much saying this is a mutiny." Clarke stated.

She didn't like being apart of this secret meeting but Wells was dead and she had watched Winnie bury him and bless his grave. That was two days ago, two days where Winnie has tried to keep camp active. the wall was finished and camp was actually beginning to feel like a home for some of them.

"Tell that to the rest of the camp, they're following her. She has power here and over them,"

Bellamy knew this was coming and had convinced himself that if he was in the opposing side then he could handle the damage. He could keep his sisters safe. He tried to convince himself that was his main goal, not that of his pride.

Bellamy continued, "Rumours have been spread. True and false."

"What about your revelation? Have those become rumours?" Clarke asked and for once she hoped that Bellamy had stopped them from spreading.

"What revelations?" Mbege asked.

"I think that answers your question," Bellamy wanted to forge his own reputation and dynasty, it was a dream that had been born in spite to his father. "Now, everybody seems to like her-"

"Have you ever considered that maybe it's because she actually is a good leader?" The gate crasher to the meeting came in the form of the Spacewalker, who excelled in finding his way into places he wasn't meant to be in.

Bellamy grimaced and everyone straightened their stance and avoided Finn's eye contact.

"Oh come on, there are about six buildings in this camp and you all think you can keep this little meeting secret. No it's anything but." They knew it would have been the case but none liked to have admitted it.

Bellamy tried to continue despite growing a little nervous with the judging eye of Finn Collins on his back. They all knew about his family now, why was he so stupid as to reveal his past?

"Regardless, people's suspicions are growing..."

"And has that got anything to do with Winnie or is purely to do with you deciding that suddenly because you hate her, that everyone else should too?" Finn knew he was right.

There was an awkward silence because despite everything that had happened since they reached the ground, there was still no real reason to hate Winnie the witch.

"She has dark power." Sterling whispered, hand to remind everyone they were still there and half to remember what they cared about; witchcraft.

"Don't bring that into this." Bellamy ordered, he was getting very tired of being interrupted by everything.

"He has a point," Clarke defended although she was hesitating about what to say next, how to phrase the incomprehensible idea that Winnie had something bigger than them, something deadly, "She could've-"

"Look, this is not about that. Okay? It's changed, the problem is the way that her and Murphy are running camp."

"That's absolute bullshit," Finn exclaimed and walked towards Bellamy, "And you know it Blake!" Finn couldn't stand by and longer, "How are you so blind? They're doing nothing wrong."

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