Chapter 9.

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I got back home to see a huge moving truck outside my house and a dozen men walking out of my house carrying couches, tables, photo frames, the works.

"what's going on here?" I asked madison who was telling them what has to go and what has not to go.

"well, Jen told me that you had a rough day and I know that you need to move out soon so I thought I'd help give you a head start" mads said stroking my arm with a soft smile on her face.

"you're the most amazing best friend ever, you know that right?"

"I get that a lot" mads nudged me.

I saw some boxes and started putting some small bits of furniture in there, it was the least I could do I mean madison packed up the entire house.


I heard the front door close and then I heard madison walking through to where I was.

"wow!" she sighed, "it's happening so fast, I can't believe that we'll be all moved in tomorrow"

"right?! it's all so sudden but I'm so exited" I replied.

"grace, are you okay?" madison asked worriedly.

"yeah I'm fine, I mean I just miss my brother, he was the only family I had here for a little bit." I said looking down at the floor.

"grace, I'm so sorry. but think about it, you have me, and you have a whole bunch of new friends who absolutely adore you, just think about it like we're your adopted family" mads said reassuringly.

"thanks mads, oh uhm I mean sis" I said winking at her.

"anytime" she laughed, "come on let's go get a bite to eat."

we arrived at In 'n' Out and sat down and waited for someone to take our order.

In the corner of my eye I saw three people making their way over to us.

"hey grace, hey mads" I heard the voices say.

I turned around and saw Za, Ryan and Justin.

"hey boys!" we said, gesturing for them to come to us.

"hey babe" Ryan said to mads, they gave each other a cute little peck and interlaced their fingers.

mads and Ryan are so happy together, I wish I could have something like that. my ex and I got out of a tough relationship, we got along great but then I saw him with his ex one night, and I gave him another chance and little by little he started taking advantage of it, cheating on me with more girls and trying to take advantage of me, but I never let him. it hurt me quite a bit knowing that he didn't want the emotional parts of our relationship but more the sexual, him and I never even got that far in those terms, I never allowed him.

"grace?" Justin said looking at me waiting for me to say hey back.

"oh god I'm so sorry, haha hey!" I said blushing, giving him a hug.

"oh I see how it is, za and I don't get hugs?" Ryan said jokingly with open arms.

"oops!" I blushed even more giving Ryan a hug and then going over to Za and giving him one.

"so what are you two doing here?" Justin asked.

"well we just finished packing up Graces house, so we're quite exhausted so we're just getting some food" madison said.

"oh when are you moving in?" za asked.

"well tomorrow, hopefully!" I said excitedly.

"ORDER NUMBER 43, YOU'RE UP!" one of the ladies who worked there shouted.

"oh that's us!" Ryan said raising his arm, getting the ladies attention.

"ok well bye you two, probably see you tomorrow?" Justin asked smiling at me

"probably yeah!" I said smiling back at him.

Ryan and madison quickly pecked each other goodbye.

they walked away waving goodbye at us.

"wow I love him!" madison said looking at him walk away.

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