The Hybrids (Pt 1)

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Please be aware that this is not heavily edited, so sorry if there are mistakes XD
If you stick around to the end, I have a few things that I'd like to ask you as the audience. Thanks!

The Mindcrack server had been normal. Note, had been. Things had been a little... Off, to say the least
Things out of the ordinary had been happening. And no one could explain it.
Certain people having certain things done to them, mobs and animals behaving strangely... Some buildings had been found to be partly destroyed, or collapsed. Even some of the guys had been affected by this manner of behaving oddly.
After moving locations, everything seemed to start going well again... Until a small group of Mindcrack consisting of: Etho, Pause, Nebris, Guude, Baj and Beef started acting strangely again. Personalities getting toppled over, and a small few becoming... Well.... Only half human.

Guude had seemed to be the first to notice. It started with a constant scratch at the top of his head and spine."Fuck this scratch, man," was heard a lot by the guys. Not too long after, the others in this small group of affected started noticing similar sensations. Shoulder blades, wrists, legs, tailbone...

"You gotta stop hiding away wherever you guys go," Arkas said to Nebris.
"Literally none of us have seen you for about two weeks,"
"Really? You're talking to me now, aren't you?"
"Yes, but-"
"You're talking to me now. You've seen me. You're standing next to me."
Arkas sighed. It was impossible to talk to this guy. Sure, Nebris had always been a bit... Iffy to talk to, but this was bad. He didn't seem anything like himself, not really.

"Come on Beef! Please come out"
"No!" Beef started to whine like a child
"Beef! Please! We miss you...... I miss you" The swede pleaded
A sigh pressed from behind the iron door "Anderz... I'm sorry. But no"
"I swear we won't make fun of you! I won't let anyone"
"There's a reason I'm not letting you see me right now...." A soft jingle of what sounded like a bell rang out quietly "So please. Just leave me alone"
Anderz turned on his heel and walked away. This was a completely new person, not Beef. How the hell was he supposed to get him out?!
Beef sighed. He hated this. He scratched behind his ear, and stared at the wall. He hated locking himself away like this, but he couldn't let anyone see him like this. Ever. He wondered if the other guys had similar problems: he'd noticed them all acting strangely, in a way similar to him.
He felt guilty, for telling Anderz to go away. He was one of his best friends, he deserved to know what was going on, but he couldn't bring himself to say anything. The hurt in Anderz' voice had broken him, the silence of him leaving tearing him apart.
He cried silently, his large fluff ears flattening against his head and his long tail curling around his waist. 'When would this stop?'

Baj flew up to the sky limit, making sure no one would see him. He needed to stretch his wings so bad, they were hurting so bloody bad! He flew above a field full of flowers, and suddenly bumped into something... Or rather... Someone....
There was a little yelp, and a shout of "fucking hell Baj!"
Now struggling to keep himself in the air, Nebris was glaring daggers at Baj.
"What- I-- Nebris?"
"No, I'm your fucking mother. Did you have to ask that?"
"Well I wasn't expecting to run into anyone at the bloody sky limit," Baj spat back.
Nebris was silent for a second.
"So... This happened to you as well?" He asked, a lot less angry with the British man.
"No," Baj replied, voice dripping with sarcasm.
"Calm down. I thought -"
"Yes, this happened to me as well. What are you, some kind of Enderdragon?"
"Think so," Nebris replied, flicking his tail slightly.
"You seem to be some type of Angel?"
"First of all. Never call me that, you bloody idiot. Second of all, yes" Baj peered back at his slightly fluffy wings.
Nebris sniggered. "Where's your halo then? Or are you a bad Angel?" He couldn't stop the smirk erupting on his lips, but did just manage to hold in his laughter.
"I'm a badASS Angel because I'm going to break your fucking neck" Baj glared at Nebris. Then laughed, hunching over slightly. Nebris joined in the laughter, but it wore away eventually.
Baj gave Nebris a light hug, "I missed you man"
Nebris was taken aback by Baj's action, but smiled all the same.
"I missed you, too," he replied with. It was true: he missed seeing the other guys, but this? No way, he trusted them and all, but... He couldn't tell if it was fear of being rejected or he really just didn't trust them.
Surely not the latter?
Fear of being rejected though?
He didn't want to think it was that. But there was something stopping him from letting the guys know about this.
"Baj?So... What have you been doing this whole time? Since you got those wings?"
Baj pulled away from the hug and scratched the back of his head sheepishly "I've been hidden away most of the time.... I don't really think that the guys would appreciate a winged freak around" Baj's expression got sadder and sadder with every word.
Nebris gave Baj a sad smile. It hurt him to see his friend upset.
"Come on. We'll work around it somehow,"
"You so sure about that?"
"Yes. I am. Come on- come back to my place if you aren't doing anything; I need human company."
"Would you really call this 'human' company?"
"Half human company, then. Happy?"
"Little bit," Baj smiled.
"There's no pleasing you, is there?"

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Mar 08, 2016 ⏰

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