Chapter 1 - Introducing the Jacksons.

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CHAPTER ONE - Meet the Jacksons.

"HEAD COUNT!!!" I shouted, and so our day begins.

"1," I started.

"2," my twin brother Ethan grumbled after I slapped his head in reminder. He had his football in one hand and iphone in the other, cause books weren't needed for school, I rolled my eyes at my brother as he gave his golden locks a shake. I don't know what girls saw in him to be honest.

"3," Kimberly, a year younger than Ethan and I and in her junior year chimed as she applied another layer of lip-gloss to her full lips hitching her skirt up a few more inches before getting in the car. She might as well be going to school naked, what ever happened to leaving a little to a guy's imagination.

"Pull down your damn skirt Kim, we're going to school, not the clubs." Ethan lazily grumbled in a sleepy tone.

Kimberly rolled her eyes at her older brother in annoyance but obeyed anyway.

"4," spoke a soft voice belonging to Rosabelle who was in her sophomore year. As usual, her nose was buried in a book as she pushed her glasses up to frame her stormy grey eyes while tucking a strand of brunette hair behind her ear. She was the first one in the car, no surprises there.

"5 and 6!" two very energetic boys shouted. Logan and Tyler. They were the second pair of twins in our family and it was their freshman year. Excitment was an understatement. These two miniature devils didn't bother hiding the mischief in the ocean blue eyes they inherited from dad. This was never a good sign. They were out for trouble and lots of it.

"7," squealed little Emilee, the youngest of the clan, completing our very own 7th heaven. She was starting her first day at elementary. Her own blue eyes held both nerves and excitement as she smiled flashing her pearly whites and dimples. She had her dora the explorer backpack in hand as she came running to the car. Our baby's growing up!

Then there's me. The name's Evelyn, oldest of the lot and starting my senior year at my new and hopefully last school. You see, due to my parents being surgeons, they're always being relocated for work. We kids aren't resentful towards them though. Come on, it's like having superheroes for parents; they're saving lives one at a time. It just wouldn't hurt to settle down for once.

"Buckle your seatbelts," Mom reminded us from the side of the car.

She and dad got a hummerzine for us to use for transportation to and from school so we'd stay together. It was like having our own mini school bus, it was even yellow. We also had a driver. His name was John, the most sweetest old soul.

Well there goes the idea of staying low-key and blending into the crowd out the window. But let's be realistic, we're the Jacksons, staying low-key isn't exactly in our DNA.

Mom had tears in her eyes as she took the camera hanging around her neck and snapped pictures, she was always like this.You'd think we were going to the prom. I wonder how the pictures'll turn out though. Logan and Tyler were starting to get into an argument with Kim, while Rosa, for unknown reasons was hitting a ducking Ethan's head with her book. I on the other hand was trying to seperate the twin troubles apart before Kim poked them in the eye with her mascara.

Must. Avoid. Strangling. Each other.

Meanwhile, Emilee was in a fit of giggles while relentlessly tugging on my hair. Yup, definitely perfect family portrait worthy indeed. NOT.

Dad gave a low rumbling laugh and waved us good-bye saying,

"Be good kids, don't do anything I wouldn't do."

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