Chapter 3 - Meeting the neighbours

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Chapter 3 - Meeting the neighbours.

"LOGAN AND TYLER JACKSON! KITCHEN, NOW!" I heard my mom yell at the top of her lungs.

Sounded like she just got home from picking up Emilee, oh and is that the aroma of cookies I smelt?! I put down the Nora Roberts novel I was reading and quickly got up off the couch heading towards the kitchen as I heard the thundering footsteps of the twin terrors storming down the stairs. I sniffed the air and navigated my way around the kitchen finding a bag full of freshly baked m&m cookies, ahhhh! My life is now complete. It wasn't until I bit into the delicious goodness that I noticed my mom's raging face as Emilee stood beside her with a guilty expression.

"Konichiwa mother," Logan greeted with a beaming smile, completely oblivious to her livid expression. Just because he learnt one word in his Japanese class he's been looking for any excuse to use it, even if it made no sense at all.

*A re-cap of our conversation when I walked into the sitting room earlier on.*

Me: Hey ugly

Him: Konichiwa uglier

Me: Pass me the remote

Him: I don't konichiwa where it is

Me: It's right next to you!

Him: Konichiwa?

Me: Under the cushion

Him: Kooonniiicchhiiiwaaaaa *he passes me the remote*

Me: You know you make no sense whatsoever right?

Him: No konichiwa sherlock

He looked at me as if I was the one with issues before heading upstairs.

*End re-cap*

Back to the situation at hand.

Logan stole the cookie out of my hand and finished it off as he went to stand next to Tyler. I flicked his miniature devil nose before he was out of arms reach and dashed for another cookie, taking a seat at the dining table. I had a feeling this was a show I wouldn't want to miss and I wasn't giving up my front row seat.

"What gave you the impression that kicking someone where the sun doesn't shine is the answer to a problem?" she interrogated with emphasis on 'sun doesn't shine'.

After a moment of utter confusion, it suddenly all made sense. Why mom was angry, why the boys were called down and why Em looked like she leaked top secret information. Both boys had a look of shock painted on their faces. If you pictured a fish's mouth silently opening and closing, that's exactly what Logan was depicting.

Tyler, however, recovered quickly after a short pause, his eyes lighting up as a light bulb switched on in his head. "Um.. did I tell you how beautiful you look today mom?" he asked calmly flashing a grin.

"Excuse me?" Mom asked confused.

"Oh yeah and that perfume of yours smells heavenly as always," Logan said sweetly catching onto Tyler's plan of distraction.

She looked startled. Whatever response she was expecting, it definitely wasn't that. It's not every day you get complimented by your two teenaged boys who just hit puberty. "Why thank you boys," mom replied in surprise completely forgetting her recent revelations.

"And that pretty dress of yours makes your butt look bigger," Logan continued with a smile.

Okay too far little brother. I suppressed the urge to laugh.

"Dude!" Tyler hissed as he elbowed his twin.

"What?" Logan cried out in confusion, "I thought females liked it when you said they had a big butt."

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