forty eight.

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"Who's this?" I woke up to see a little Caucasian girl all in my face. My reflexes caused me to jump back a little. Justin chuckled,"Jazzy, this is Jada."

I looked around and I recognized Justin's dad's side of the family ; Jaxon, Jazzy, and Jeremy. Jazmyn smiled,"Hey, your name is just like mine!"

I smiled and chuckled,"Yeah, that's cool," I said sweetly. "Alright, Jazzy. Give her some space, she doesn't feel well," Jeremy told her. He looked at me and waved. "Justin told me I intimidate you. Is it my tattoos?" He teased, flexing his muscles.

God, Justin sure did have something coming when he got older. "No," I chuckled. "Your son's a liar, sir."

"Hey, don't call me sir. Making me feel older than I already am. Jeremy's fine." I smiled and shook his head,"Okay, Jeremy."

I peered over Justin's shoulder and saw Jaxon all by himself in the corner. "Hey buddy, are you shy?" He pouted his lip and covered his face. "Jaxon, come over and say hi to Jada," Justin said to his brother, picking him up and propping him on his knee.

"H-hi," he said quietly. I smiled, he was so cute! A mini Justin.

"Hi, Jaxon."

"Who are you?" He asked. I smiled at him and then at his brother,"I'm your brother's girlfriend. Want some candy?" I offered him a Ring Pop that the nurse had left for me. He nodded and took it from me,"Thank you." I handed one to Jazzy and she took it politely.

"Why do you have to be Justin's girlfriend?" Jaxon asked, making all of us laugh. "What? You don't want me to date your brother?"

"No," he shook his head,"I want you to date me!"

Jazmyn laughed loudly,"You're always trying to take Justin's girlfriends!" Jaxon's face turned red and he hid in Justin's jacket.

Justin smiled and propped Jazmyn on his other leg. I've never realized how much they favored each other until now.

"Are you alright, Jada? Do you need anything? Water?" Jeremy asked. "No thank you," I said politely. "I'm fine."

"Oh. Well I'm sorry we're meeting in a hospital," he chuckled and scratched the back of his neck. "Don't be," I shook my head. "It's my fault."

Justin shh'd me and kissed my forehead. "Shut up."

Jazmyn 'aww'd' and slapped him multiple times in the chest. "That's a bad word, Justin!" She yelled. Justin chuckled and restrained her from hitting him anymore,"Sorry."

"Well, I should take them home. It was nice meeting you, Jada. Hope we see you again before you leave Canada."

I nodded,"Most definitely." He and the kids handed me some balloons and teddy bears, making me smile. I gave them both a tight hug. "Bye Jazzy, bye boyfriend." I winked at Jaxon.

"No fair, Jaxon you're always stealing my girls, dude," Justin sneered. Jaxon laughed and stuck his tongue out before surprising me with a kiss on the cheek.

"Well you're a savage little one aren't you?" I teased. He giggled and walked over to his dad, hiding behind his legs. Justin gave his siblings each a kiss and then hugged his dad.

"Feel better Jada," Jeremy said to me before poking Justin in the chest. "And you take care of her, son."

"I will," Justin promised. They waved one more time before walking out my hospital room.

"Well that was nice," I said looking at my teddy bear. "Yeah, I knew how bad you wanted to meet them. Still think my dad's mean?"

I shook my head,"Not at all. Just buff. You should work on that," I winked. Justin frowned,"You don't think I'm buff?"

"Not compared to that," I smirked and wiggled my eyebrows. He held onto his stomach and puffed up his cheeks,"I'm gonna puke." I laughed.

"Where's my sister?"

"Maejor got her like 30 minutes ago, you were knocked out." I shrugged,"A nigga was sleepy."

"You snore like a fucking animal." My eyes widened and I crossed my arms,"What the hell did you just say to me?"

He chuckled nervously,"You snore like the princess you are ...?"

I smiled and nodded,"Thought so."


After talking, bickering, telling jokes, and her roasting the hell out of me, the doctor gave her some activated charcoal to keep any of the pills they might've missed from absorbing into the blood. Then they ran a couple more tests on her.

Once she woke up, we'd be able to go home. I stepped out into the hallway to send an important text.

scooter: what's up ? What'd u have to tell me jb

>>>I'm not finishing out purpose tour

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