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i feel alex waking up.

"hey" he says in his morning voice.

"good morning." i reply. damn i wish my voice was as deep as alex's. recently i have noticed a ton of changes. my voice is a little deeper. i have more of a jawline. my muscles are more defined and my waist is less curved in shape. i love it.

"so what do you wanna do today?" alex says.

"we could go to the mall?" i say

alex replies "sure."

i hear my phones ringtone go off and i quickly locate it and answer. it's my mum.

"caroline marie smith! where are you young lady?" she yells. i cringe at the sound of my name and the pronoun she used.

"alex's house." i say, with my voice a little deeper than normal.

fuck, i think to myself

"get home this instant. i found these needles in your room and believe me young lady you are so grounded. get home this instant!" she yells again.

"hey what's going on?" alex asks

"is that alex! i bet you two were fucking all night! ha, what have you turned into? a slut. you're probably pregnant with his bastard son." she says to me.

i hang up the phone after she says that and start to cry.

"hey, hey, hey it's okay" alex says while pulling me onto his lap. i cry onto his bare chest. he takes my chin and pulls my head up and onto his lips. i kiss back and he flips us over so he is on top of me. we kiss for a while until i break it and say "i need to head home."

"okay,"alex says. "be safe"

"will do." i say while getting my backpack and pennyboard. i head home and i am met by my mum.

"what the hell, caroline? what are these!" she says holding up the needles and vile of T. "you know I've noticed somethings changing, what is wrong with your voice. and where are all your curves that you used to have!" she yells

"well..." i explain everything about how i feel, alex, and that one day we skipped school.

she looks at me and i notice tears in her eyes.

"get the fuck out of my house. i raised a daughter, not a son. get the fuck out." she points to the door.

i grab my backpack, run upstairs and grab my phone, clothes, the thousand dollars I've been saving, and other things. i run downstairs and grab my pennyboard and run down the middle of the street with tears streaming down my face.

for once, i am trapped by myself; out in the open.

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