Copyright © 2016 by Damien
Wyatt Leblanc
All rights reserved. This book or any portion thereof
may not be reproduced or used in any manner whatsoever
without the express written permission of the publisher
except for the use of brief quotations in a book review.-
Endless chatter.
Tic tic tic...
Tic tic...
Every second passing by, I wish I could just turn back time with my own mind. My mind was so blank at this very moment, I couldn't stop staring at Maven with an utterly confused expression. But my heart still pounded against my chest, and my eyes still focused on how beautiful he was.
Maven was so different, I just couldn't understand if I was still living a dream, or if I was actually awake, curled up in Maven's lap while watching the movie grease. I really adored this movie, almost as much as I adored Maven. It was strange how instantly we clicked. Not only as bestfriend's but, as lovers.
"What are you staring at?" Maven grinned, but his gaze never left the movie, but once I didn't respond, he instantly looked at me with a confused look.
I reached up, my thumb and index fingers on both hands, pinched his little cheeks, and pulled them from his face. I honestly couldn't believe how far these suckers could stretch.
"Pooky wooky." I said in a childish tone as I continued to play with his cheeks before he swatted me away, almost pouting, but he knew I would tease him on that so he instantly glared instead.
"You sound like my grandma."
"Maybe I am your grandma." I laughed loudly as I was soon thrown over a shoulder in a playful way, and that's when my extinct's kicked in, I started to squirm but I couldn't help my giggles, I felt like I was 5 again, playing with my father.
My father... I missed him so much.
"Kiddo, I'm home. Where are you?" I squealed, running down the hallway and into the room my mother was reading in.
"Hey, love, what's wrong?" My mother said, as I ran into her arms with a huge smile upon my face but I was instantly lifted into the air and thrown over my dads shoulder as he spun.
"Put me down da-"
The giggles just kept escaping my little lips as I struggled to get off his shoulder, my mom laughing in the background as I reached for her.
Slowly, I was finally put down as he ruffled my messy blonde curls, his eyes gazing into mine. "So kiddo, guess what daddy got you today." He said with a huge grin upon his face, holding something behind his back.
"Chocolate." I said, pronouncing chocolate totally wrong, it was more like chocate, but he laughed, and shook his head once again, revealing a football.
This was a big thing for me since I was the little girl who adored football and wanted to play ever since I turned 3, that day, my father and I played for 5 hours straight, just throwing the ball, running for it, and tackling eachother.
There's always that connection with your parents, where they are so close to you, you know you'll never lose them. Like they'll always be by your side, knowing you couldn't bare the pain of losing your parents. It hurts to think of it right now, even though they've been gone for 6 years. It's a little difficult to forget the most important people in your lives.

RomanceA vampire who desires a girl by force. A werewolf who defines hero for a girl he admires. A dreamer who loves a girl but has a dangerous secret. What happens when it's the same girl? And who is actually the good guy? ~ • TRIGGER WARNING; THIS STO...