World Meeting

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Summer giggled as she dragged a boy with brown hair and large eyebrows behind her. "C'mon, Massie! This is gonna be so awesome! We get to fill in for Daddy!!"

Massachusetts sighed, knowing it was useless to struggle against his sister's hold. "Florida, it's Massachusestts, not Massie."

"But, your name is so long! Besides, Massie's a cute nickname!" the blonde pouted.

The older State chuckled. "Sometimes it's hard to remember you're over two hundred years old, you know. You act like you're ten."

As Summer opened the door, she huffed. "Well, I can't help it, Johnathan! You know the reason why!"

Johnathan ruffled his younger sister's hair, being careful of a small curl that stuck out. "Yes, I know."

"Florida? Who is this?" asked France, being the first to notice the brunet.

Before Summer could introduce him, Johnathan stepped foreward and cleared his throat. "My name's Johnathan R. Jones, otherwise known as Massachusetts."

Summer clung to his arm, grinning away. "He's one of my big brothers! He loves seafood; he makes the best shimp and baked beans, too!"

Johnathan chuckled as he ruffled his sister's hair again. "Well, you're certainly excited."

Germany then cleared his throat. "I'm sorry, but what are you doing here? Where is America?"

"Oh, he couldn't come today. Daddy's... sick." Summer shifted a bit uncomfortably. Sick was an understatement, but she couldn't have the other Countries knowing the full truth.

"What she means is, he's unable to leave home. Strict orders from his boss. So, our dad sent us two here to temporarily replace him." Massachusetts sighed.

England frowned at this. "Well, what is he sick with?"

"We're under strict orders not to say anything more about it." Summer replied, unusually profesional about it. "Please, don't ask us anything else about Daddy? Just know he's sick and none of you can visit for the time being."

Johnathan led Summer to two seats next to their uncle. He then leaned over and whispered to the Canadian, "You might want to come with us afterwards... Dad's having another... fit."

Matthew's eyes widened. Being the closest Country to Alfred, he undrstood what Massachusetts meant. He gave a small nod, signaling he understood.

Summer went back to her childish mood as Germany started the meeting. However, it wasn't long before France had insulted England's cooking.

"Take it back, you bloody frog!" growled England.

France simply smiled. "Ah, but Angleterre, it is the truth. My cooking is by far better than your's!" After that, the only sound he could make was the sound of gagging.

The Sunshine state tried to keep a brave face on. But, hearing France struggle to breathe caused her to whimper. She covered her ears and squeezed her eyes shut, flashes of the Civil War flashing in her mind. She tried to think of Disney things, like Peter Pan or Frozen, to get her mind off the small trigger.

Johnathan, hearing Summer over the fighting, scowled. He stood up and marched over to the argueing nations, yanking England off of France. Not bothering to look up at them, he growled out, "Are you two finished argueing over something so childish? You're scaring my sister."

Italy frowned from his spot next to Germany. "What's wrong with the Bella?"

Noticing the two rivals had stopped argueing, Massachusetts dropped them. He looked to his sister and frowned. "Damn it... Why did Spain have to skip today?" he muttered. He turned to Italy. "Summer has a hard time with... arguements. Some days are worse than others, and the fact that our dad's unwell makes it worse."

"What happened, aru?" China asked, saying what was then on everyone's mind.

However, the older state shook his head. "It's not my place to tell. I apologize, but we will have to leave early. My sister needs our dad." He calmly walked over to Summer and picked her up, bridal style. He then left the room, a polar bear floating behind him. Surprisingly, the Meeting went on without any other interuptions.

Heya! Look, a new chapter! Anyway, about Summer's trigger. It's my little headcannon for my OC that the Civil War hit her greatly. A few things always trigger her memories, such as thunder or bullets being fire. Other things, such as argueing, only trigger her every now and then; otherwise she wouldn't survive the State Meetings at all. If anyone was confused, I hope that helped! :)

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