State Meeting?

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Anyone who gets the chapter picture, gets a cookie. :3

Florida bursted into Maryland's Capitol building. Immediately seeing her sister, she glomped the girl (who was TOTALLY not slacking). "MEL!"

Mel shrieked and fell to the floor. "SUMMER, DON'T DO THAT!" She held her hand to her chest, which was very difficult seeing as Summer was on top of her back.

Summer bursted into giggles. "You love me!" A brunette blur suddenly tackled the blonde to the ground, causing Summer to shriek.

"SUMMER! How dare you! You've not visited me in years! Disneyland has new rides!!" This was California.

Summer squirmed from under her fellow Disney lover. "Chelseaaaa! You're crushing me!"

Chelsea gasped and wacked Summer's arm. "I'm not fat!"

Summer huffed and rubbed her arm. "I never said that! I just said you're crushing me, which does NOT imply you're fat." she lectured.

Melanie nodded. "I agree with Sum!"

Chelsea then rolled off of the Sunshine State. "Okay, I'm sorry. Say, when's this meeting gonna start? I have to get my tan started! It's fading, now."

Mississippi, otherwise known as Liam, rolled his eyes. "Cali, if you get any more burnt, you'll look like an orange."

"I LOVE ORANGES!" Chelsea and Summer both squeeled. This caused Liam to face-palm and Melanie to burst into giggles. In retrospect, he should have seen that coming.

The next one through the door was America. "HAHAHAH, THE HERO IS HERE!" He was immediately glomped by three blurs. "Woah, you girls almost had me!" He laughed loudly.

"Dang it!" Melanie muttered.

"Well, I bet we could have tackled you if Missi joined in!" Chelsea exclaimed.

"DON'T CALL ME THAT!" Mississippi grumbled and crossed his arms. He mumbled something along the lines of 'I'm a manly man.'

"So, how long do you think the others will get here?" Alfred said as he sat at the head of the table.

"Well, Massachusetts is here." Johnathan said as he sat in his spot.

"So are the Carolinas!" exclaimed two voices. A boy and a girl with similiar features walked in and sat next to each other.

"Hiya, Logan! Hey, Lillian!" Summer then glomped the Carolinas. Both of them greeted Summer, as well.

"Georgia is here, too." A boy walked in next. He was also glomped by the Sunshine state, whom he hugged back.

"Jackson, what's up?!" Summer said as she dragged Georgia to their seats.

Soon enough, the other States piled in, each one getting glomped by Summer and some getting glomped by Chelsea and Melanie.

America called order in the room and, for the most part, the meeting went well. But, New York and Texas got into an arguement, which resulted in more arguements, which resulted in Florida leaving the room with California right behing her. The final result was that the meeting ended early.

The only thought that crossed America's mind was the same thought that always appeared. 'At least it isn't as bad as the World Meetings.'

Key for the States mentioned:
Summer - Florida
Chelsea - California
Melanie - Maryland (NOT MINE, SHE'S A FRIEND'S OC)
Johnathan - Massachusetts
Lillian - South Carolina
Logan - North Carolina
Liam - Mississippi
Jackson - Georgia
James - Texas
New York has yet to be named. She might be in the next chapter~. (New York has been named by another ol' friend of mine. :3 She commented first. XD)

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