Being Dad's Heroine

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Warning: This chapter may be triggering to some readers. It involves mentions of an eating disorder (which one is up to your imagination). If this topic is sensitive, PLEASE SKIP.

Summer skipped down the hall, humming softly to When You Wish Upon A Star. Alfred had forgotten his lunch again, so she had volunteered to take it to him.

Things had been easier, ever since Mel and Summer had accientally exposed their dad's secret. Before then, they'd have to wait until Alfred called one of them to bring his lunch, which ultimately caused him to have to speed eat.

Summer opened the door to the Meeting Room. "Daddy! I brought your lunch! I made sure it's one of your favorites!"

Arthur groaned in annoyance. "Another burger? Honestly, Alfred, you're going to get unbeliebably fat!"

A flash of hurt lingered for a split second in Alfred's eyes, one only Summer seemed to have seen. How could she not? She often saw it whenever her dad visited her after meetings. "HAHAHAHAHAH, you're just-"

"You're a perra, England." Summer had whispered, tears appearing in her eyes. A gasp was heard from Spain, but everyone ignored it.

"Summer!" hissed Alfred. "Don't start..."

"But, he doesn't see the aftermath for his words!" The Sunshine state held back her tears. "H-He doesn't see h-how hurt you get, whenever he tells you things like that! Daddy, it's not fair to you at all!"

Alfred sighed and hugged the blonde girl to him. "Hey... Summer, it's all right... After all, even heroes need to go through-"

"NO! Heroes don't need to go through every single thing that causes them pain! This hurt is causing you to gain eating disorders, and you know it! Stop trying to seem tough when you need help, Daddy!" Summer hugged Alfred tightly, sobbing into his chest. "I-I hate seeing you like that! Don't pretend that you don't have them; I've seen you!"

Arthur frowned upon hearing this. Alfred had an... eating disorder? His Alfred? The loud-mouthed idiot who would eat with his mouth full? The brit sighed. "You bloody idiot... Why didn't you tell me?"

Alfred didn't dare meet Arthur's gaze. "Well, because I can handle it! It's only temporarily..."

Arthur shook his head in both worry and slight annoyance. Of course America wouldn't want help. He just always had to be independant. He then turned to the State. "Florida... I deeply apologize for how I have been treating your father... I will try my best to watch my mouth from now on. However, seeing as he's quite stubborn, he needs a... heroine to help him." He gently ruffled the girl's hair, being careful of the small curl. "Could you watch out for him, you and your siblings?"

Summer stared at the Brit. That must have eaten away at a lot of his pride... She wiped her tears and nodded. "S-Sì, and I can get my siblings to help... I'm sorry I acted that way..."

"It's all right, love. Take Alfred home and make sure each State knows the situation." England sighed, quite tense. As soon as Summer took Alfred away, he relaxed. It was hard to say that, but his love and care for Alfred was too great to just sit and do nothing.

"Onhonhon, Angleterre~. I did not know you could have a 'eart!" France said, quite obviously ruining the moment.

England scowled, turning to the Frenchman. "Oh shut it, Frog!"

Hello! If you're reading this, you either skipped or read this chapter. I apologize if it was really rushed. My brain is turning to mush.

Anyway, while writing this, I felt compelled to write this AN at the bottom. If you have an eating disorder, please contact a professional for help!! You're all beautiful and amazing, the way you are!! :) No matter on if I know you personally or not, Icare for each of you. After all, you're here for a purpose. You're no accident. And, how you are is no accident either. Please take care of your bodies; don't abuse them. If you're being bullied, tell a teacher or councelor. This day and age no one wants to be a 'snitch'. Three years ago, when I was in high school, it didn't matter. If you were being bullied or harassed, you told someone. Things changed a lot at my school. If anything is making you unhappy, talk it out. Communication is key to living a wonderful life!

Now, I understand if you're an introvert. I think I'm a bit of one. That, or socially awkward. Either way, it's always good to have good communication skills in an age that seems to have none. Basically, try your best to find what makes you happy, no matter what anyone else says! It's your life! If you don't want to go to college but your parents do, you do you.

Thank you for reading this. I'm sorry this AN is so long. (Prussia: THAT'S WHAT SHE SAID) >.<' Damn it, Prussia. Don't break the Fourth Wall!!

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 12, 2016 ⏰

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