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II - III -

IV - V - VI

First of all, let me

begin by saying that

I am a former

Christian, preacher,

minister of music

and organist for a

long number of years

in the Disciples of

Christ Church,

Baptist, Methodist

churches and The

Church of God. I

totally and

completely accepted

the teachings and

concepts of

salvation within the

Christian church

many years ago. My

parents were very

religious and their

parents were also

very instrumental in

building and

supporting the work

of the church

throughout their

entire lives. So, it

is not my aim to

discredit the

efforts of those who

came before me

whatsoever. This is

totally the opposite

of my purpose in

this presentation.

Second, I am still

most active in the

spreading of the

True Word of God as

much as HE will

allow me to be. I

have found that some

of the teachings of

the translations of

the Bible contain

errors and mistakes

which must be

examined and thought

through so as to

bring about a better

understanding for

both the Christians

and the non-


especially those of

the Muslim (Islam)


Third, I am

presently an


chaplain and I hold

the position of

Delegate to the

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