¨Chapter 1¨

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¨Isn't it ironic how the things we do to keep us alive are the things that kill us.¨

Thud. Thud. Thud.

My heart beat faster and faster with each name called. ¨Sarah.¨ I looked next to me, my not-so-real-friend stood sharply. She gave me a side glance and walked down the steps. ¨Sarah Rithward is an omega-blood hybrid wolf.¨ I rolled my eyes and shook my head. 'No one cares, get on with her category.' My wolf, Sage, rambled.

I ignored her and shook my leg rapidly. ¨Her test scores were, 22 out of 100.¨ I gasped, as did those around me. She failed... ¨However, her kindness and gentleness rests in the hands of an assistant caretaker.¨ The speaker finished. The speaker, Ms. Tekalin, pointed to the way of the caretakers. Caretakers were once called... what was it?... ah! Doctors.

I shook my thoughts out of my head and smiled big. I'm so proud of her.

Name after name, people were catergorized... only until twelve of us were called. My eyes shut and I took two deep breaths. No... this can't be happening...

It all started in the year 2016, the President, Hilary Clinton, had let the CIA test on humans, a plaque soon started after most tests happened. The plaque spread quickly to all adults above the age 20. The children were, somehow, immune to all sickness.

For fourty years, the plaque spread. The doctors of that time could not find a cure until a greater human was created. Supernaturals, they called it. Werewolves, mermaids, vampires, and witches.

That was the cure, however, the adults needed two times the children needed. So the lineage was born, my family happens to be the first lineage of werewolves. Purebred alphas they call us.

The costs of the cure raised each month till the government gave up. The council of supernaturals over-ruled the government. There was a ruler for each supernatural.

The supernatural council took it upon themselves to kill any adults left. My parents were taken. I do not know how the cure skipped their generation, but it did.

Since then, children are raised by nursers until the age of thirteen. Then they raised themselves. All are put into an academy and given courses. The council comes and gives each child a test at age seventeen.

They would discuss for over a year's period. At the last year of the academy, each eighteen is given a group. For example, the nursers, the caretakers, the council, and the Rulers. Each live together with their group and will go through one year of training then become, officially, their occupant.

I, again, shook my head to clear my mind. Everyone left was looking at each other while I just starred into nothing. I couldn't do what they ask of me, I couldn't.

¨Now, I know each of you are confused, scared, but don't be fretful children.¨ The speaker paused, ¨Please stand when I call your name, Maddie Ackers.¨ The most popular, brat in our school stood. Her short brown hair flicked behind her. I had to admit, she was gorgeous.

¨Maddie Ackers, brave, wicked, and beautiful, you are assigned into the group of the Rulers, you are the Seducer. You cunning girl.¨ Maddie popped her gum obnoxiously. I growled under my breath. Prick.

¨Darla Mich. You are also a Seducer. We all know why.¨ The blonde laughed loudly and shook her head, ¨Ms. I know I look hot but... nevermind.¨ I rolled my eyes.

Name after name was called. ¨Athena Wolfee. Couragous, intelligent, purebred, alpha bloodline, warrior, conqueror, beauty none has seen, and strong. We realize that it is rare for purebreds to find their mates... for, well, reasons we need not to discuss once again... but we believe you will make a great leader. You will fight for our God, as a warrior Queen, over all werewolves.¨ My body trembled, I stood straighter to stop. I nodded my head and sat down.

Who was my king? I'll never find my mate... My wolf whimpered softly and I lowered my eyes.

¨Now, our most important position. Above all, our King. Xavier Wolfi. Also, a purebred, alpha bloodline, bold, strong, intelligent, spirit, potential, and beauty. Again, you will fight for our God, as a warrior King, over all. We hope that you enjoy your marriage.¨

Oh God... Not him.

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