11] Hospital awakening

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🗝Cody's pov🗝
I look up.

I see a white popcorned ceiling.

I tried to sit up but I couldn't.

OUCH!! Oh god I look at my stomach its covered in bandages and there is a uv bag next to me.

It hurts like hell.

Ughhhhh I thought maybe, just maybe that the stabbing was a dream.

*sigh* I guess not.

Then I look in front of me and I see a tray of gross Hospital food. It was a fruit cup, orange juice, and some toast.

I push through and sit myself up. I scrunch my eyes super hard because of the pain.

YOU HAVE GOT TO BE KIDDING ME!!!! I say in my head

Might of well have just died because there lies Travis right next to me. Wow, this is going to make quite a dent in his acting Career!

Thank god he at least isn't awake.

A doctor walks in.

Hey how are you feeling? The doctor asks

Well about how much it would hurt to be stabbed 3 times.

So we've got a smart alic in her now eh? Just messing with you. And its usual to feel much pain. Now I have some questions for you.

Ok, let em' rip

Ok, first off, on a scale of 1-10 how bad does is the pain?


Ok so we need some pretty strong pain killers than huh?


Ok next question.

What is the last thing you remember?

I remember pushing Travis down to the ground, and then talking to Jessica but after that everything's pretty much blank.

OK thank you I'm done here. I'll get back with your medicines.

OK thanks Doc.

Oh and you have a visitor she should be coming in now.

Oh ok thanks.

No problem have a good day. The doctor said.

*jess walks in*

Omg! CODY!!! Your ok!! Oh gosh I can't believe that stupid little bi,

Uh JESS he's right next to me, see yeah look to the right.

Uh ok thanks I whisper in his ear I was about to blurt out a bunch of things I probably shouldnt of if he's right there.

Yep no problem.

Anyway when do you come home?

Uh not for 3 weeks yet, then I will be able to go around in a wheelchair but I won't be fully healed for a couple of months.

aweeee baby! *sigh* I should've never of done what I did. I'm so sorry!! It's all my fault! If I had never of don...

S-stop! Stop! It's not your fault I should've told you it was my sister on the phone I shouldn't of kept it from you I wanted to do was have a surprise anniversary party because it's our second month anniversary.

Aweee Cody!! That's so romantic!! I can't believe you would go through all of that for me I mean heck you even got stabbed three times for me😭❤️

Yeah but don't think about that too much just think about that I'm ok you're ok and will get through it all together.

Ok, I love you so much!!

*we kissed and it seemed like an hour long*

Anyway the party is.. Or was supposed to be next Friday, but it will have to be rescheduled.

No no no, it won't be rescheduled, we can just have it here.

No it's ok we can just..

No Cody, I know this is important to you we won't reschedule it will have it here look see I will already contact everybody know to tell him I'm sure they'll be all right with it. She said.

Ok. I replied.

So how's Sam? I asked

Actually I talked to Michael and he's thinking about doing something very special because they've been together for a while now, I mean they were even dating in high school so they been together for quite a long time and a very big question is about to be asked. *i squeal* I can't believe it!!!
DO NOT mention anything to anybody because I promised Michael I wouldn't tell anybody and if just one more person knows it can be spoiled for Sam. She said

Ok I promise. Cross my heart. I replied

Thank you so much for reading!! Please don't forget to vote in common what you think. Aaaaannnnddd.... What is your opinion on Sam and Michael what do you think will happen?😈 can't wait for the next couple chapters. Love you fandom!!😘😘❤️

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