The Teacher Host!

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A host..?

I knew this school would be weird since it's fancy and all, but...

Kyoto coughed, snapping me out of my thoughts. I looked up at him and he chuckled.

"Akira-san, you broke that vase for a lot of money. So to repay us—"

"You get to join the Host Club!" Tamaki shouted with glee.

I stared at them with dull eyes, trying to not let my slight irritation show.

"I have no interest in things like that. Besides, I'm your teacher after all as well. Couldn't you just call it off and I give you all an A the whole year or something?" I suggested. I could care less about their grades and so on, and being a host sounded like so much of a hassle.

Kyoya gave me an evil smirk, writing something down into his notebook.

"Akira-san, I highly suggest not doing so. On one hand, I do see how these idiots would need a grade boost," He began.

The others glared at him while Tamaki puffed out his cheeks. (I guess I know who the not-so-great students are now...)

"But on the other hand, I have something that might have you being more...compliant." He said with an evil glint in his eyes. He handed me a piece of paper and my eyes widened. I quickly regained my composure, clenching the paper in my hand.

"If you just repay your debt to us as a host, that will be long gone." He said with a business smile. I sighed, handing him the paper backs fm stuffing my hands into my pockets.

"I see." I said dully. "You sure it'd be fine since I'm a teacher? I'd technically be hosting my students." I pointed out.

Tamaki grinned happily, the rosy sparkly aura reappearing around him.

"Don't worry, Akira-san! My father would allow that and I'm positive the ladies will love it!" He exclaimed with a squeal.

The hell is this idiot? Some type of Fangirl or something...?

I gave a small nod in response and stood up straighter. It looks like I have no other choice.


Tamaki then snapped his fingers, grinning widely.

"Hikaru! Kaoru!" He commanded. The twins instantly grabbed the two of my arms, running me to the back. Wonder what hells await me...


"Welcome~" The chorus of voices repeated in unison. They each held a rose, pointing out towards the squealing yellow-dressed girls.

Tamaki smiling vibrantly and then held his hand out to me.

"And this is our newest host, Akira Hanji! He's also the newest teacher here at Ouran Academy!" He introduced with a gleeful laugh.

I stood in front of them and gave a small bow.

"Pleasure to meet you." I said simply.

Just for that, a chorus of squeals were heard.

My, I suppose it doesn't take much to make them happy...

Tamaki instantly appeared by my side, wrapping an arm around my shoulder and pulling me close.

"Please treat our dear Sensei well, my beautiful princesses~" He purred as more squeals and screams were cheered.

"Mind letting me go, Tamaki?" I raised a brow. "I could always sue you for sexual harassment., student or not."

Almost instantly, the blonde was in a small mushroom corner, dark and sulkingly depressed.

I raised a brow slightly as Haruhi came up to me.

"Don't worry about him, Akira-sensei. Tamaki-senpai's always like that, so it's fine. Anyways, I have to pay off a debt too, so I guess we're in the same boat." The brunette chuckled. "The best way to pay off the debt here is to get as many requests and so on."

I gave a small nod, processing the student's advice.

"Alright. Thank you, Haruhi." I said and sat at a table I saw was empty. I wasn't a huge fan of crowds, but I could tolerate them.

Tamaki jumped up to his feet, staring intently at my table with the others. They're not even trying to be discrete about it...

"E-Excuse, me! H-Hanji-sensei!" A meek voice sounded. I turned to see a smaller brunette, blushing lightly. "M-May I s-sit with you?" She quickly asked and bowed.

I stared back at her stoically but gave a nod.

"Go ahead. And you can call me Akira if you'd like."

"Thank you, Akira-san!" She squeaked and sat down in one of the empty chairs. "So, Akira-san, c-could you...tell me about yourself?"

"Ah, sure." I nodded and sat up straighter. "What would you like to know?"

"W-Well...How come you became a teacher?"

"A teacher?" I raised a brow and couldn't help but chuckle. "I guess I could just say that I love to teach new things. It's very fun to be with kids your age and see them grow along and learn almost with you as well." I said. Okay, it wasn't a total lie. I just assumed the girl would like that type of answer.

"R-Really?! That sounds amazing, Akira-san!" She exclaimed loudly. Everyone was now staring at us two. The brunette instantly shrank back in her chair. "May I...r-request you again, perhaps, Akira-san?"

"If you'd like, I'd have no objections." I answered.

"Th-Thank you!" She stood up, bowing. "My name is Mari Iwakawa by the way! S-See you, Akira-san!" She exclaimed before leaving.

I glanced over at the host.

Tamaki was crying tears of joy while the twins and Kyoya were smirking evilly.

What a strange bunch of kids here.

I stood up, coming over to them. Tamaki instantly hugged me, breaking my barrier of space. "Oh, I'm so proud of you! They grow up so fast!!!!"

"Let me go, Tamaki. Sexual harassment," I said reminded with a sigh.

He instantly let me go, hands behind his back.

Haruhi smiled sweetly at me. "That was perfect, Akira-sensei. Keep it up."

Now, a question I've been wondering for awhile. Rude or not, it made me deathly curious. It's been bugging me for quite awhile now.

"Mister Haruhi..." I asked slowly. The way he acts, the way he speaks...

"Are you gay?"

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