Chapter Fourteen

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A/N: thanks for your guy's positive comments! It means a lot that more then just my friends are actually reading this. There is only one chapter left after this one. I promise the sequel will be WAY longer and will have more drama and I have also decided this will be like a three book type thing. Maybe. We will see when it gets to that point.

Kyles P.O.V.

I finally got out of the house without my dad noticing. I was never going back to that place again for as long as I live. Over the past few months I thought about my self harming issues and decided it was best to leave the person causing it. Even if it was against the law for a few more months my dad wouldn't call the police. He wants to get rid of me.

I continued dragging my suitcase along the curb until I arrived at a beaten up motel I decided to stay at for the night. I mean 15 bucks for one night it would have to do until I got a job or something. Even with a normal 9-5 job I estimated how much money it would take to buy a phone and get a plane ticket to go to Johnnie plus all the expenses until I manage to get that much. It will take me roughly 3-4 years. That's why I decided to call it off with Johnnie until then. He would move on but I could find some way to win him back.

I stepped into the creepy motel and looked around. I couldn't see anyone at all. "Hello?" I said to nobody in particular. But before I could even realize that I heard someone I blacked out and all I can remember is falling to the floor.


I woke up in my bedroom to the sounds of my dad making disapproving clicks with his tongue. I should have known it was him. I thought he wanted me to leave but apparently not. He had to get his anger out on somebody and apparently I'm the one he chose. There was duct tape over my mouth and my hands were bound behind my back and I couldn't exactly move because my ankles were small enough for him to handcuff them together. I struggled but it was no use.

"You'll be staying here until you are 18. Understood? I will feed you and give you water but you are never coming out of this room or even getting untied until you are out of my custody." He stated like he had rehearsed it over and over.

I struggled a little more but he slammed the door in my face. I tried to figure out where he had put me. Maybe a closet? I think it was a walk in closet though because I could move around without hitting a wall. There was nothing I could particularly do with my hands and legs tied and cuffed so I just laid back on the floor and went to sleep. It was all I could do and I was weirdly tired.

Johnnies P.O.V

I shut off my new camera I had just gotten and made sure to see that the camera was actually recording. I had just hit 100,000 subscribers on YouTube ALREADY. And it's only been like 3 1/2 months since I posted my first one. All my fans were so supportive and helped me through Kyle moving. I honestly pushed Kyle out of my mind and he wasn't even a thought anymore. I knew he wouldn't be back until he was 18 and I don't want to get hung up on him until then.

Since he moved a lot has changed. I dropped out of high school to keep doing my YouTube career. I made a new best friend and we are planning on moving in together because he is also a Youtuber and he wants to help me. He also has to be my legal guardian until I'm 18 because he is like 24. (A/N: I know I mentioned Bryan earlier but pretend I didn't) his name is Bryan. I would never say it to his face but I think he is awesome and I hope I can turn out just like him. He has a very good career and I hope I could do the same with mine.

But one part of me says Kyle will come back and I will want to move in with him instead. But Kyle probably won't come back knowing my luck. I still love him though. I always will. He is first person I ever loved.

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