Revenge part 2

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Here's chapter 7 and this story has few more chapters before the finale and I guaranty that the ending will be romantic (maybe). Anyway enjoy~

Calem's POV

Yes! Stage 2 will finally commence! All I need is Serena to tell them the bad news and it will finally be perfect! My fantasy of being Serena's boyfriend will finally come true after the death of Ash Ketchum!

Just one more step and it will finally be done!

"Serena go tell them the news will you?" She gave no respond, but nodded and walked towards the center while I watch from a far.

After Serena stood infront of the building's entrance, his friends all came out at once.

"Serena where's Ash?!" The orange haired girl named Misty said

"Serena what happened to you? You seem lifeless" the little girl asked

I smirked and watch the scene unfold

"Sorry, but you won't see Ash Ketchum anymore" Serena said with no life in her voice.

Misty's POV

Serena's acting weird sure I've just known her for a day, but the way she's acting right now isn't the Serena from yesterday, which means somethings up.

"What do you mean?"

She raised on hand and a blue aura appeared "if you want to know simply look at this blue aura" we all looked at the aura and saw Ash inside being tortured and screaming for help.

"What the?! Serena who did this?!"

She gave no respond, she took out a pokeball and a Charizard appeared

"Charizard flame blast" she said with no emotion what so ever

"Serena what happened to you?! Your not like this at all!" Bonnie shouted

"Quiet you little pest! My master asked me to do this task and I shall make sure it is complete whether you like it or not!" Serena yelled

Bonnie began to cry and the rest came out of the building

"Bonnie?! What happened?!" Clemont asked worried for his little sister who is crying on the floor

"It's Serena, she's acting weird"

"Serena? Hey where's Ash?" Dawn asked

Serena's eye twitched a second ago, I wonder why though. Her body began trembling as if she was afraid.

"Serena fight it! Whatever is controlling you snap out of it!" Clemont yelled

"Even though we just met, but from the looks of it this isn't you, so break away Serena you can do it!" Dawn shouted

"SHUT UP! CHARIZARD FLAMETROWER!" Charizard nodded and fired out a flametrower towards us, but out of nowhere Serena threw out another Pokeball and her Delphox came out and protected us by blocking the flametrower

"P-protect them Delphox!" Serena said with life in her voice, I guess they were right she was being controlled.

"Serena! Please snap out of it!" Bonnie begged, Serena looked at the girl and she began to cry.

Serena's POV

This is all my fault! Because of me Bonnie's crying and they almost got hit by that flametrower and I don't even own a Charizard! Calem's gonna pay!

"Guys Ash is at the warehouse, you need to rescue him before it's too late!"

"But what about you?" May asked

"I'll be fine! And make sure to rescue him and do not trust a boy named Calem! He has a mega stone so be careful!" I yelled

"Serena..." Bonnie mumbled

"GO! Before I loose control again! Calem's planning on killing Ash, so make sure to rescue him in whatever cost! Now GO!"

They nodded and ran towards the warehouse

I can feel myself getting consumed by hynosis again, but I won't give up

"Calem! I-i-if your listening right now! I am not your pawn! You cannot tell me what to do!" I yelled and instantly I broke out from being controlled. I looked at my left and saw Charizard holding a box and a note.

It says:

To my dearest Serena

I give you this Charizard and a mega stone inside the box. I love you and I'm sorry for killing your Ash. You may not want me anymore and I understand, but my jealousy has completely taken over my mind and I can't stop myself for killing Ash Ketchum. If you do love him go to the warehouse and battle me. I know I may sound different from this letter, because I can still feel happiness, but by the time you read this I am no longer myself . I'm sorry for causing trouble and please help him as he is your true love.


This means war! I will make sure your jealousy won't get the best of you! Why did you let yourself be taken over by jealousy Calem? As punishment I will gladly beat you at that battle! Just you wait! I will get Ash no matter what!

See you in the next chapter!

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