I'm yours

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Well hello there! I don't know why I typed that, but let's move on shall we! I am planning on ending this story at chapter 10, and let me just say this was real fun to make :) and if you guys want more stories like this don't hesitate on telling at the comments! Well anyway enjoy~

Ash's POV

It's been a whole month since well since Serena disappeared. Ever since then I started to become the Ash Ketchum they know, but half of me is still missing and that other half is probably somewhere far away.

Well here I am entering the league, it wasn't really that hard, cause' I already had the badges and all I needed to do was train, so I did and well here I am challenging the elite four as we speak.

The first one wasn't really hard, because I had the advantage when it comes to Electric types. The second one was challenging, but I stood my ground and manage to beat her just in time. The third one was average, because he was predictable and when I say that I mean I know what he's about to do. Lastly the fourth one...it was the hardest to beat, because he was a dragon type trainer. Fortunately Gregninja was strong enough to take his Dragonite down and now I am about to challenge the Champion. Red.

The battle was outside the league, or should I say at the battle arena outside the league? There I was about to battle the Kanto Region's Champion and the crowds cheering are giving me enough determination to face him once and for all!

"Let's do this! Pikachu go!" I calles out my little rodent companion, he jumped out of my shoulder and entered the arena

"......" Red summoned his Charizard, I guess the rumors were true that Red never really talks "Pikachu thunderbolt!" Pikachu launched it's attack, but Charizard dodge it just in time

"Flamethrower.." Red said silently, but loud enough for Charizard to hear, Charizard flew above Pikachu and used Flamethrower at it.

"Pikachu!" I yelled as I see my Pokemon heavily injured "Can you stand?" Pikachu nodded and stood on it's four legs once again "Electro ball!" Red snapped his fingers and Charizard flew really high up where Elctro ball couldn't reach.

"What?! Impossible!" I shouted, Red seems to smirk at my choice of words, I guess he was used on hearing that.

I tried to think out of the box, because clearly he knows every strategy I have on my sleeve then I remember what Serena told me "Be the Ash Ketchum you use to be" I smiled and calm myself down "Pikachu jump and use thunderbolt!" Pikachu nodded and did what I told him to do "?!" Red gasp as he was Charizard got hit by the thunderbolt causing it to fall down and hit the hard ground "Charizard is unable to battle! Pikachu wins!"

"Good job Pikachu!" I praised my Pokemon and Pikachu gave me a thumbs up "ok return!" Pikachu retreated and I called out my next Pokemon "Gregninja!" Gregninja yelled a powerful cry as the crowd cheered even louder, but at the corner of my eye I saw Misty and the others smiling and rooting for me, but I saw a familiar someone on one of the crowds, she had honey blonde hair and was looking at me with determination in her eyes

"Serena?" I mumbled as she notice me staring at her, she immediately smiled and yelled out "GO ASH!!" Everyone turned towards her and Dawn and the others eyes widened as they saw Serena was here rooting for me like she promised.

"Don't get too distracted! Venasaur Go!" Red's Venasuar appeared and man was it huge! I looked at Gregninja and he immediately know what was the plan and he turned into SatoGregninja once again, everyone gasped at seeing Gregninja change it's form, but Serena already knew and grinned


"Giga drain!"

"Water Pulse!"

"Petal Dance!"

"Gregninja!" I looked at my fainted companion and Red's Venasuar wasn't even tired at all "Ash Ketchum! Your really are a worthy foe! What about this send out your strangest Pokemon and I shall send mine whoever wins shall be titled Champion" I nodded and called out my strongest. Charizard.

"Go Mewtwo!" Everyone looked at the legendary Pokemon, I stared at it as it was emanating an aura I never saw before "Mewtwo! Psychich!" Red commanded and Metwo immediately used psychic like it was told, Charizard managed to dodge the attack and I was prepared to end this battle once and for all.

"Charizard! Mega Evolve!" Charizard evloved into Mega Charizard Y and the crowd cheered for this battle.

This was it! My last stand! And I can't afford to loose!

"Charizard Dragon Pulse!"

"Aura Sphere!"



"Fly up and use Fire blast!"

Mewtwo got directly hit, but it stood on it's feet once again

"Mewtwo use psybeam!" Mewtwo launched a psybeam that was big enough to destroy this arena "Charizard Overheat!" The two moves collided, but it wasn't the end! I'll never give up till' the end!

"Charizard use Flamethrower once more!" Charizard nodded and used his very last strength to launch a very powerful flamethrower at Mewtwo. The flamethrower hits Mewtwo and he falls down.

"Mewtwo is unable to battle! Ash is the winner and is now the new Champion!" Everyone cheered and I saw Serena wipe a tear out of her eye, but she turned around and left the stalls and disappeared from the crowd.

I immediately chased her down, but she was surprisingly fast. I manage to catch up with her, but she wasn't really glad that I did, she was actually frowning

"Why did you follow me?" Serena asked, I felt like I was stabbed in the heart, but I know that the Serena I know is still there "To see you of course! It's been a month since we last saw each other" I pointed out causing her to smile "I guess it has huh" I nodded and she looked at me and I looked at her


"Yes Serena?"

"The darkness is still here"

"I don't care"

Serena eyes widened at my respond, she stepped back a little, but I couldn't afford to loose her again "Serena your my one and only! I'm the Ash Ketchum you know now! And I know the Serena I know is still there trying to break free" Serena looked at me and I noticed her eyes seemed lifeless "I want to give you life again Serena" "But how?" I leaned closer and kissed her. It's been a month, but my feelings never faded, she truly is my true love the one I want to protect, the one I want to be with, the one I want to marry.

"Serena will you be mine?" I can see her eyes regain life as she smiled like the way she used to.

"I'm yours Ash. No one can change that!"

And that's for this chapter! Man, this was hard to make, because I was watching the masterclass preview and I kept on squealing and yelling, but I did manage to make this. Vote if you liked it and follow me for more! Peace out!

 Vote if you liked it and follow me for more! Peace out!

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I'm Yours (Amourshiping)Where stories live. Discover now