t w e l v e | S t a l k e r

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He's the Devaugne's neighbor.

A family friend.

Her babysitter.

At first, he only thought that Avrigne/Clea was so adorable. And indeed she was. She was a very sweet baby, giggly and a little stubborn. He used to carry her so gently in his arms when she was three, chase her on all fours that always makes her shriek and ran in small steps when she was five and he would give her a piggy back ride when she was seven.

He loved her like his sister. A baby sister since he was the only child. And he would do anything to protect her from the bad guys. Or so what he uses when he baby talks with her, the monsters.

But as she grew up, she became such a beautiful girl that even himself couldn't stop the feelings that started to build up in his chest, in his heart.

She blossomed from the most adorable baby to the most gorgeous girl.

And since he's not needed to babysit her anymore, he started stalking her. He would hurt every guy who shows interest towards her or tries to befriend her. Since he is a police officer, at 27 now, strolling around their town as well as guarding Avrigne/Clea came off easy.

He's motivated to keep on stalking her until she turns eighteen. The right age of getting married and moving away from her family.

He had it all planned out. They will be living in Europe, he will find another job there and Avrigne/Clea will just stay inside the house so that no guys will be able to see her.

And so far, everything is working out just fine. Her freshman year was not so hard, guys were not aggressive. But then plenty of guys started to approach her in her sophomore year, which turned out into a bruise party for them. He was intimidating, big and bulky so the guys was easy to handle.

He would sneak into her room when nobody's home, steal her undies and touch her bed as he imagined both of them naked, sweating and moving.

He has lots of stolen pictures of her, hidden under his bed. But to Avrigne/Clea's relief, none of it has her naked body, or even half naked. She never undressed unless her windows and door is locked. Not to mention, her curtains securely closed.

But then she disappeared. Not even her parents wanted to speak about their daughter's location, not even her brother would communicate with his sister.

How are they going through this? As if she never existed? It was frustrating, irritating and making him insane.

As if he wasn't already.

He was the one assigned with the case. Well more like chosen since her family asked him for help, they trusted him for that. But unfortunately for him, the trust wasn't enough for them to tell him about Avrigne/Clea's whereabouts.

And knowing that their mouths and actions will not lead him anywhere, he started looking for her outside their town. He started with the towns near them, with every school until he reached the last state and the last school. One year of searching for his girl and finally finding her was coming to a stop.

But his very own secret search party made him impatient. Instead of waiting for her to turn eighteen, he would do his plan sooner than what he had expected. Hoping that her boyfriend wouldn't notice his front.

The knocking on Clea's door made her dash towards it. She ordered pizza not too long ago since Hunter will be staying tonight. And obviously, it wasn't Hunter since he doesn't knock.

Yup, he has her apartment key.

"That was fast!" She said as soon as she threw open the door but instantly, she froze.

Claiming Clea | c o m p l e t e dWhere stories live. Discover now