s i x t e e n | V i o l e n c e

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Clea arrived in her apartment only before six pm sharp. Since they know, well actually they saw the fight between Bain and Peyton the two were probably busy fixing their problem at the time, Hunter suggested they'd eat at the diner so they spent a few hours there with Bryce and his date before going home.

Bryce was sleeping over at Hunter. He didn't liked the idea, saying they are not kids anymore and they are definitely not those girls having a slumber party who gossips, paint nails and braid hairs before sleeping but Bryce had already made up his mind which left Hunter no choice.

As Clea entered her apartment, a sudden movement caught her attention. The darkness of the apartment didn't helped easing her abnormally fast heart beat and she wasn't able to stop the scream that escaped her lips when the shadow suddenly attacked her.

Well, actually it just approached her. But who wouldn't be alert if you'd see a shadow walking towards you? Not to mention, watching tons of horror and suspense movies didn't really helped on making her feel slightly better.

When the living room was suddenly lighted, she stopped fighting the said shadow realizing her attacker didn't even fought back. And with all the courage and braveness she has, she glanced at her attacker, which face was flushed and frowning, both arms were a little pink from Clea's power slaps.

While the hair of the said person was tangled in different directions.

That was not Clea's doing though.

"Seriously Peyton you almost gave me a heart attack!" Clea hissed putting her hand on her chest still breathing heavily.

At least she was thankful that it wasn't her stalker.

"Why so violent?" She whined looking at her pinkish arms. Clea ignored her whining and asked the question that could've prevented what had happened just awhile ago.

"Why didn't you turn the lights on?" Peyton looked at her sheepishly.

"I was able to escape Bain and I was trying to hide okay." She pouted, folding her hands on her chest.

Clea chuckled, shaking her head at her best friend. "Sorry for slapping your arms. You know I would never do that if I knew it was you." She sincerely apologized, guilty for hurting her only best friend.

"I'm sorry too for scaring you." She mumbled as she hugged Clea back then hastily pulled away. "Where were you anyway? I've been waiting for you like forever!" She whined again.

"Went to the diner with Hunter and Bryce." She quickly replied kicking her shoes off and plopping herself down on the couch.

Peyton silently sat beside her, looking at her with the best puppy dog face she could muster. Clea ignored her best friends weirdness as she switched the tv on and switched the channels looking for a nice show to settle and watch.

After sixteen channels, ten quick glance from the corner of her eyes and an unmoving furrowed eye brows, Clea finally sighed in annoyance and turned to her friend who's expression, aka puppy dog face was still perfectly plastered like it has been for the past minutes.


"I know you already ate but I'm so hungry can you please order a pizza?" Clea burst out laughing at her silly friend.

"Of course! Why didn't you say so!" And with that they called the delivery man for a box of pizza who came right after ten minutes when the call ended.

"So, what's the plan for this coming weekend?" Peyton asked as they both devoured the slice of heaven which was named pizza.

They were still sitting on the couch watching some comedy show. But both of them already changed into their sleeping attires.

"Hunter will bring us to their rest house up in the mountains." Clea responded with a grin.

"Perfect!" Peyton squealed.

"Yup! I'm so exci-" Clea was cut off by a knock on the door.

They looked at each other and at the door then back to each other.

"Who do you think it is?" Whispered Clea.

"I don't know. Maybe Hunter?" She shook her head.

"He has keys. He never knocks and Bryce is sleeping over so he's probably busy getting annoyed by that idiot." She whispered back. "Maybe that's Bain?"

"No, if that was him the knocking would be banging with a shout of my name." She answered certainly. A very pissed off Bain would never knock calmly.

Another knock sounded and they both jumped in fright.

"Oh my God, what if it's Storm?!" Whisper yelled Clea. "I don't want to see him!" She started biting her lip nervously.

"I don't want to see him too!" Retorted Peyton.

"Please just go open the door."

"No, you go."

"I bought you pizza! Go open the door." Clea hissed.

"It should be you, you're the one living here!" Peyton glared at her.

"I don't want to! You said you don't want him around me!"

"I don't wa-" Clea nudged her shoulder, cutting her off.

"Go!" She glared at Clea who was already hiding behind the couch after muting the tv.

Peyton exhaled, chanting to act brave and nonchalant as she opened the door.

And the person she found standing right in front of her was indeed the person they didn't want to see.

"Storm." She gave him a tight smile as she noticed Storm narrowing his eyes for a split second before smiling.

Fake. She thought.

"Hi Peyton. Where's Clea?" He asked, as his eyes flickered from Peyton to inside her apartment.

Where the fuck is my Clea? He thought.

"Oh sorry but Clea is not here. She went out with her boyfriend." She purposely pressed the last word. "If you want, you can leave a message for her." Obviously, Storm wasn't buying her lie but he preferred not to scare the girl.

Actually, he saw Hunter and his friend which he doesn't know the name buying some beers and junk foods at the convenient store so he knows they aren't together at this time.

"Yes, please tell her I'm going back home in a few days. I wanted to see her and talk to her before I leave." He mumbled as calmly as he could.

But Peyton sensed that there is more to what he was saying, he was clearly holding back and she was curious as to what he truly wanted to tell Clea.

"Is that all?"

"Yes." He answered, annoyed but tried to mask it.

"Are you sure?" He gritted his teeth and decided to just nod to prevent himself from snapping at the bitch who he thinks had the guts to lie on his face.

"Okay then, I'll tell her that." She faked a smile as Storm nodded again before turning around to leave but he halted just after his first step before Peyton completely closed the door.

He turned his head to the side, enough for him to see Peyton at the corner of his eye as she watch him. "I will be back." He murmured making sure it would sound like a threat then walked away.

Peyton didn't sensed the threat in his words. She was thinking about the weekend adventure, which starts tomorrow so she shrugged as she closed the door and made sure to lock it.

Storm didn't leave like what they thought he did. He was standing beside the window, as he watched Clea and Peyton conversed animatedly on the couch.

"I love you so much Clea, so fucking much that it hurts." He whispered, as a tear rolled down his cheek.

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