Chapter Five

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'Can someone please shut that incessant thing off?' Zeyda thought twisting in her bed. The steady crinkling beneathe her body made her pause. The beeping continued. Slowly, she opened her eyes. Dim light reached her vision and it took her a moment to see what was around her. Only a second more before she realized that she, in fact, was not at home. Not in her own bed.

Zeyda sat up instantly regretting it. Her head spun and she had to lay back down for a moment before she was able to think past the light headedness. This time she was slow to sit up, looking around and memorizing what she was surrounded by. Looking at the monitor which provided the beeping she felt the need to groan or sigh but she did neither. Instead she reached over to the remote control that sat beside her and hit the call button. Within a few minutes a nurse walked in.

"You called, sugar?" The woman stated. A stethoscope hung around her neck. She was an older woman, with rich chocolate skin set upon a soft, a pretty yet slightly larger frame.

"Yes ma'am. I was hoping to find out how long I've been out?" Zeyda asked her, not knowing exactly what to say.

The woman walked forward and began checking somethings on the machines, all the while speaking to Zeyda.

"Your in the hospital, honey. You took quite a nasty fall, and came here. Do you remember anything?" The woman asked pausing in her work to look at Zeyda with a politely curious expression.

Zeyda paused in silence. Thoughts of her encounter with God, and her encounter with the Devil himself came to her mind. Should she say something? A second more of thought told her no. She couldn't say anything, it would only make her look completely crazy. She nodded slowly.

"I remember falling. I remember my name and all of my information. Apart from that everything is blank." She stated carefully. She gave only what she felt was necessary, but otherwise kept quiet. The woman nodded and asked her a few more questions, before she left the room leaving a plastic cup of water behind.

Zeyda picked up the cup and laid back sipping the water slowly. She actually, didn't even feel thirsty but the need for something to do, was what spurred her to drink.

She thought of what the devil had told her, and couldn't help but to wonder if it was true. After a few minutes the nurse came back in and inserted something into the ID that was attached to Zeydas arm before leaving once again.

A gentle tingle caused her to look down at her arm. A small set of golden words formed on her arm.

'Live by day, Serve by Night'

Zeydas breathe caught in her throat as she stared at the words before whatever was in her I started to kick in. Within minutes she felt the darkness pulling her under and she followed it willingly.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 14, 2016 ⏰

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