I drove over to Harry's house, the same house that I had been in so many months ago. It was about a 20 minute drive from my own house, but I didn't mind it one bit. Feeling the breeze blow through my hair was amazing, and the feeling of being free on the open road was to die for.
I parked on the street in front of Harry's driveway, and walked up to the door. I rang the doorbell and looked around me. Noticing the flower patterns he had set up in his yard, I bent down to look more closely. He had all sorts of colors, from red to purple, and all the colors in between. Each flower was neatly placed to make a beautiful arrangement in his yard.
The door of Harry's house opened and I shot up, standing straight as a stick. Harry was standing at the door, his hair pulled back by a headband with a white t-shirt and athletic shorts on. He was only a few inches taller than me, but I felt like an ant next to a skyscraper.
"Come in." he said, and gestured me inside. Looking around this time, I noticed the decor in the house. The living room had a brown rug with tan walls, with a love seat and couch angled neatly to face the flatscreen television against the wall. There was a double window, the only one in the room, with white blinds covering it. The blinds were slightly cracked, leaving a little natural light in the room.
The door closed behind me, and I sat down on the love seat. There were more rooms that I wanted to explore, but I easily resisted because Harry sat down next to me. In front of me on the coffee table, there were two cups filled with Yorkshire tea sitting neatly on small saucer plates. I picked one up, sipped a little, and placed it down.
"So your name is Layla, right? Tell me a bit about yourself." he said.
"Well, I'm Layla Perkins and I'm 27 years old. I love to play volleyball and I've always wanted to be a professional dancer. My other dream used to be to meet..." I trailed off, realizing one of my dreams had come true.
"To meet who?" he asked with a smirk, knowing what I was going to say.
"Harry Styles..." I trailed off again. Knowing one of my dreams had been completed shocked me. I didn't expect either of them to come true. I continued once I regained my train of thought, "I guess that dream came true. Tell me some things about you."
"I'm Harry Styles, don't freak out," he smirked, holding up his hands in a defensive position and I rolled my eyes.
"Shocker." I whispered while he kept a smirk on his face, a chuckle escaping his barely parted lips.
Continuing, he said, "I'm 25, I love to sing with the boys and play soccer with the boys and..." he trailed off, "I miss the boys."
I felt like I pittied Harry more than I liked him now. I ended up helping him with a lot of different things, from missing the boys to convincing him to go out on stage. I put my arm around his broad shoulders and hugged him tight, a reassuring hug telling him that I was there for him.
"You'll see the boys again, anytime you want! Just make the plans with them and I'm sure they would come to see you. Maybe they can move in with you, I mean this house sure is big enough." I gestured to the inside of the house that was visible, seeing the wide open room. There was surely enough room for five boys to live in the house.
"Thats a great idea, I'll call them up sometime soon about that. Hey, question. Do you want to go out to dinner tomorrow night?" he asked. He looked at me directly in the eyes, a smile flashing at me that nobody could resist, with his perfect white teeth lined by beautifully figured lips.
"Sure, Harry." I answered. I got up and opened the door, wanting tomorrow to come already.
"See you tomorrow Harry, hope you're picking me up!" I closed the door and got in my car to text him my address, then got back on the free, open road.
"See you tomorrow love, I'll be waiting outside your house at 7. xx" he sent back. I read it while I was on my way. I smiled, relaxing with the wind blowing through my hair.

I Have Harry Styles' Daughter » Harry Styles [EDITING BC SHORT]
Fanfiction"I'm still single," he said, "and I'm staying that way for a while, I have my reasons." The voice matched the one that growled in my ear last night. I touched my fingers to my bottom lip, then my top lip. The ones he kissed. I remembered everythin...