The beginning...(preface)

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  It had happened so suddenly. The world was once a peaceful place. Or about as peaceful as it could be with countries being on the brink of war with each other and new species and diseases that those species carried being discovered. The government didn't have much to lie about or hide back then. It even helped the common people out sometimes. Ya know, when it wasn't creating stupid health policies and making bad deals with over sea regions and stuff.

The honking of cars on the free way or the loud music next door was just ruckus. And kids playing on a swing set wasn't considered a high risk. You could go outside and have a civil discussion with your neighbor. But now, you couldn't without the fear of them trying to have a make out session with your whole face.

December 25th, 2016

The day it happened I was at home preparing for a Christmas birthday party. The family, some friends, and even a few of the neighbors were coming. And all just to celebrate Annika's 14th birthday. Mom, dad, Skyler, and I set out the food and everything while Annika got ready in her bedroom. We had finished and went into the living room to watch some well deserved television. That was when the government aired the life-ruining announcement over the news channel my dad had flipped to.

It had been a long time since the Ebola epidemic broke out and everything looked like it would turn out okay. That was until medical officials announced an extreme case of Ebola was found. Charles Stanton, a poor twenty-eight year old American journalist who took a trip to Africa. I can't really recall what area or region he visited. I'm not even sure if they announced it, my memory is worn from how long ago it was.

Anyways, as far as we know-or how much the government let leak-Charles came back to the U.S. after a two month assignment he was given by his companies CEO. He was to write an article on the poor living conditions in some African communities and what we could possibly do as a whole to make it better. When he arrived at the airport and stepped off the plane, he couldn't help but hurl on some girls suave boots. The girl-understanding that things just sometimes happen-led him to the medical staff that was nearby thinking that Charles had a bit of an upset stomach from the flight. Upon examination and a lot of test, the medical staff found something way worse.

Charles was a walking zest pool of germs and sickness. The medical staff was concerned about Charles health, but they didn't have the proper supplies and technology to figure out what he had come down with. And they knew it was something serious by the way his skin was lacking color and he swayed back and forth when he walked. Long story short, they sent him off to get checked out by a specialist and boom...Ebola. When people found out they started to keep their distance and soon word got out on social sites like Twitter and Facebook.

And since those are obviously monitored by the government, it wasn't long before Charles was taken into government custody. Upon arriving at a research facility, Charles started talking out of his head like he was seeing things that weren't there. Over time everything just got worse and Charles health took a drastic drop along with his sanity. It got to the point where Charles was considered a living vegetable or a hollow shell of his past self. But the doctors and research professionals still tried. They weren't ready to give up, and they weren't going to. Stupid fools...if only they had.

It had been a normal day for everyone in the research facility-as normal as a day can be in a government building-up until one of the doctors had to go and do some blood work on Charles. The poor man walked into his room his arms filled with vials, needles, and everything needed for an IV and a feeding tube which was long ago surgically implanted. He set the supplies on a near by table And started preparing for everything. The doctor finally made it to the part where he had to use an alcoholic wipe to clean Charles arm before inserting the needle. He had just opened the wipe and grabbed Charles arm when something happened.

"He opened his eyes...He opened his eyes!" The doctor smiled and looked at his comrades behind the protective Plexiglass. But that was his mistake. It wasn't Charles that opened his eyes, only a mindless mass of muscle and flesh that wasn't fully in control of itself. Charles attacked the unsuspecting doctor tearing at his protective garments knocking his hazmat helmet off in the process. The doctor-although he had landed on the floor in an awkward position-tried his hardest to reach the taser that was in his pocket for situations like these. But sadly he couldn't. It was too late...

The man let out a strangled cry as Charles bit into his neck and pulled back, bits and chunks of flesh stuck between the crooks of his teeth. During this time the staff behind the glass were beginning to panic and decided to shut the whole thing down and get rid of Charles. But, that wasn't going to happen. Somehow, someway, Charles managed to escape his room. Everything was DESTROYED! The disease spread faster than a forest fire and sooner or later everything we knew was torn apart. At one point the government had found a cure, but after several thousands of people were bitten, they decided to isolate it.

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