A gleam of hope?

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~Last time in Dystopian Apocalypse...Sounds correct~

We find our main characters(possibly) running through what presumably could be the woods while what they call a UD is chasing them. They're caked with dirt, tired, and most likely are hungry. The youngest girl is obviously sick and is slipping slowly into her inevitable fate. But the other two are determined to find a cure. And to do that they must head to Washington. There are arguments and mentions of snotty subs, plus why this all started. Read now about the rest of the struggles that face these 3 teenagers as they make their long and dangerous journey.

~Back to the story~

"God I'm thirsty." I heard Skyler whine as we trecked through more trees and bushes. "I hope you mean thirsty as in you want water." She gave me a pointed look as I snickered. "Really Alec? Making jokes at a time like this?" I shrugged. "It seems like the perfect time. After all, it gets your mind off of the fact that we could die at any moment." I looked ahead the solemn expression on my face sticking there just as it had about three hours ago.

Annika laid asleep in my arms all color drained from her face but a light pink flush on her cheeks from the fever she had. I sighed along with Skyler. "It feels like we've been walking forever." Sky grumbled beside me. Looking up at the sky I noticed it was getting close to dark. "Mm...I guess we can stop soon. But we have to find-" In the middle of my sentence, the sound of gunfire echoed through the trees. Sky and I looked at each other.

"Do you think..?" Sky asked in a hushed tone. I shrugged. "Maybe we should check it out?" With that suggestion my eyes widened. "Are you serious?" She nodded. "Yes. The chance to travel with other survivors. At least we wouldn't be on our own." I had to admit, Skyler had a point there. But not a very good one when it came to most logic. "And what? Get raped, get dismembered so they can eat us to survive? Or so they can shoot us thinking that we'll do one of those things?"

She looked at me like she was questioning my reasoning. Which she probably is but can you blame me? "I say it's too risky and we keep to our own." Her expression changed from questioning to aggravated. "Alec this may be our only chance. If we don't take it who knows what will happen." I gave her the same look that she gave me. "Same thing could happen if we do. Think Skyler." She turned around.

"I am thinking." With that she ran off in the direction we heard the gun fire sound. "Skyler!" I ran after her trying not to trip while carrying Annika who moved and groaned in my arms. °Please don't let a UD show up? Please don't let these people be cannibals? Or rapist? That would be the opposite of what we need right now. Please don't let them hear us?° My thoughts swirled around in my head as I ran after my sister. This caused me to get a bit dizzy and almost run into her when she suddenly stopped.

"Skyl-!" Sky hurriedly covered my mouth and put her finger over her lips, a horrified expression on her face. She parted part of the brush in front of us and pointed signaling me to look. I glanced through the leaves and twigs at the scene that was happening not even ten feet away from where we were hidden. A group of about six were running from a small hoard of UD's. Granted there were six people and the hoard was small, but the dead out numbered the living by two to one.

Four males, two girls. We watched as they ran at a pace that kept them a few feet ahead of several walking corpse. That was until one of the females tripped over a rock in the path way. One of the males stopped to help her despite the yells of resentment from the others. When he had gotten close enough to grab her hands, a UD had made it's way straight to them. This particular UD was just as clumsy as the rest so it tripped(more like fell) over the same rock as the girl.

Once it had landed on top of her it began tearing and biting at anything it could. A piercing scream broke the air as it bit down between her shoulder blades and the girl released her grip on the males hands. He stood there horrified as more UD's set in on the female who continued to scream and started crying asking him to shoot. The male seemed to be in his own world until more gun fire broke him from his trance.

One of the other males in the group had shot the girl between the eyes. Her screaming ceased and the life left her what might of been blue orbs as the others yelled at the other male to hurry up so he didn't meet the same fate. The young boy cried and began dodging UD's as they made their way toward him. Within a few minutes he was back with his group. And they were running once again. The UD's that weren't feasting on the fallen female followed determined to fill their black holes know as stomachs. Sad fact, they would never be able to do that.

We stood there in shock, horror, and discuss as the UD's finished off their meal and made their way elsewhere. I nearly jumped when I felt something tug at the front of my shirt softly. I looked down at Annika the pure shock and terror evident on her face. "Annie. I'm...I'm sorry you had to see that." She buried her head in my chest as silent sobs shook her small frame in my arms.

Annika was always passionate about life. No matter who or what it was. She didn't like to see things die. So innocent. Now tainted with memories that could never be forgotten. Ones that would most likely cause nightmares for her tonight. Skyler let out a shaky sigh and turned to me whispering. "A-Alec I wish..I wish I hadn't.." Her voice cracked and I stroked her hair. "I know. It's okay. It's over now." I hugged her close to me as we got our barrens together.

"Um.." I gulped. "I think it would be best if we moved on. We could maybe follow that group if you guys want. But I don't think it's in our best interest if we do." I looked at Annika who nodded then at Skyler who seemed distracted. "Sky?" She blinked looking through the brush. "She has a gun." I cocked my head to the side with a questioning expression. "She has a gun. Strapped to her side. A small pistol. Probably fully loaded."

I registred her determined look and shook my head. "Ohhhhh nooo. Don't you even think about it Skyler. You saw what just happened. Do you want to end up like that?" I went to grab her but before I could she had already ran out of the brush with a large hunk of wood in her right hand. "Here we go again." I hurriedly rushed to a sturdy looking tree. "Annika. Climb and don't come down until we come back into the brush." Annika whined but did what I said without any protest.

I watched her then when I knew she was safe in the tree headed after Skyler with a large branch I broke off from the tree. "Psst Sky. Pssst. Sky stop. You're gonna get hurt." Despite my whispering Skyler went on her gaze set on the small pistol. She approached the female who had not moved since being shot. Once she got a foot away she stopped. "Skyyyy."

I whined as she checked her surroundings and then picked up a small pebble. Tossing it in front of her, she hit the girls corpse in the head. I drew in a low hiss of breath and starred at the dead female. No movement. Thank god. Sky moved closer and squatted beside the body. Inspecting it she reached out for the pistol holstered on the girls hip. That's when we heard it, a low groan.

Skyler looked at the girls blood splattered and torn face as the eyes opened. Automatically freaking out, she hurriedly grabbed the gun and holster, probably thankful that she yanked so hard, that it came undone. Standing up quickly she ran back into the brush as I ran up and swiftly brought my tree branch down on the unidentified females head. A splatter sound tore through the silence as red hit my jeans and bottom half of my hoodie.

My empty stomach lurched making me feel nauseous. But we didn't have time for me to be sick. I walked back into the brush and gave Skyler a pointed look. "Next time warn me before you do something stupid, mkay?"
After saying that Sky and I went to get Annika. When she clumsily climbed down from the tree she spotted the pistol. "Nice." I nodded. And Skyler smiled. "Well now at least we have some sort of weapon..."

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