Close call...

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Another smack to the back of my head. "OW! Skyler I told you to quit that!" I looked at my sister who placed a finger over her lips. "Shhh..listen." Sky(Skyler's nickname)whispered and pointed. I followed her finger to a patch of underbrush and watched as it rustled. I heard low groans for a moment then...silence. I looked closer and could make out a silhouette. "Fuuuuucckkkk nuggets."

I hurriedly tip toed over to Annika so whatever it was couldn't hear me and squatted down. "Annika...Annika. Psst, Annie wake up we gotta go." I poked Annika in the cheek and heard more rustling. "Alllll..." Sky whined in a hushed tone. "I know I'm trying." I snapped at Skyler who looked hurt by me doing so. I gave her an apologetic look and then continued to poke Annika.

"Annie...are you dead or what?" Still no answer, yep she's dead. I shook her just to make sure because frankly, I was beginning to worry. "Annniiiiieeeeeeeee." I said her name in the same whiney tone Skyler used earlier. Annika woke up with a startled cry. I hurriedly covered her mouth with my hand and tried to calm her down. She settled within a few minutes as Skyler and I looked back at the underbrush.

Silence. At least there was until a person came running out of the mass of leaves and sticks. "UD ALERT! RUN! RUN NOW!" Skyler shouted and ran through a clearing like there was no tomorrow. I hurriedly picked Annika up who began to cry a bit. "Shhh Annika! It's okay! We're gonna be okay!" I shouted while running.

Annie desperately clung onto my neck with her arms as Sky and I maneuvered through trees, bushes, and more underbrush. The person, or more like thing, behind us kept pursuit. It seemed like we ran forever before Sky built up the courage to pick up a large rock and crush it's head after knocking it over with a large tree branch. After that had happened, it was time to take another break.

I sat Annika down. Then took a moment to wipe the sparkling beads of sweat from my forehead with the shirt I was wearing under my hoodie. Sky tried to calm the now distressed and still sleepy fourteen year old. Annika took off her glasses-which were somehow intact-and set them on the ground beside her. She then proceeded to wipe her puffy red eyes. "That was a close call. We can't stay here. Being out in the open like this is dangerous." I looked at Sky and then at the giant pine tree we we're near.

"Don't cha think I know that Sky!" I sighed and ran my hands through my hair. God, I need a shower. "Well sorry for stating the obvious!" I looked at my worn out sister. "Skyler don't start. We don't have the time right now. We have to stay on the trail and get to Washington." Yes, we're headed to Washington. But only because that's the only place that has the cure, which is under government control. But...Annika needs it.

"Trail. TRAIL!? Alecksander there isn't even a trail! We've just been following you this whole time! Do you even know the way to Washington!?" My blood boiled as Skyler yelled at me and it caused me to snap back at her. "YEE!...Well no. But I can figure it out! I just need a map!" Sky let out a frustrated cry. "There is no map you dummy! We're gonna die out here Alec! I punched the tree I had apparently drifted beside. "SHUT UP!" I hollered. Annika shouted.

"STOP IT! STOP IT RIGHT NOW!" Sky and I blinked looking at Annika. "Annie?" She had never shouted like that before. "I can't take it anymore!" She began crying again. "Skyler's right! We're gonna die out here! But only because you guys can't go without fighting for one second!" Tears streamed down her cheeks like rushing rivers which instantly made me feel bad. "I'm sorry Annika." Annie looked at me and sniffled. "Don't apologize to me, apologize to Sky. And Sky, apologize to Alec." We both did as told while Annika looked around. I glanced at her and saw her knees start to wobble. "Annika?" After she looked at me she smiled and her legs gave out. "Annika!" Skyler and I rushed over to where she was and I picked her up cradling the somewhat small girl to my chest. Skyler felt her forehead and dawned a worried expression with a small frown. "She's got a fever now." I looked at Annika who lazily looked back at me. "We have to get to Washington and soon."


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