Lynn's Thank You

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Hello everybody,
And I know I don't have these in my books though I really, really should
But the reason I don't is because words cannot describe or do justice to how thankful I truly am for every read, every vote, and ever single comment. Before I started uploading my works I never saw why people made such a big deal about milestones or comments but now I do. They're just so heartwarming and encourage you to keep at it. The community we've made here, and the communities made in my other stories are simply phenomenal and so amazing I still don't know how or why, or when for that matter. I'm rambling and getting off topic. Anyway, thanks to all of your support Becs and I were able to meet and discuss and plan this collab and much less do it. So I think I speak for both of us when I say thank you all so much for all of your support and we shan't let you down. I feel like this is a letter so.
With much love,

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