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It was a private island resort, one of the most luxurious in the world. The deserted beach was dotted with coconut trees swaying in the evening breeze. Two seagulls were perched on an edgy rock nearby, silently enjoying each other's company. A lonely figure sat with his legs stretched out on the sand, his deep blue eyes stared lifelessly into infinity. While the never-ending, orange-painted waters was magnificent sight, he wasn't in the best mood to savor its beauty. He had far too much to think about. 

For a boy who grew up getting everything he wanted, Delano Cadieux had the perfect life. As captain of the football team and the President of the Student Council, he was always in the spotlight. Girls want to be with him, guys want to be him. His father, Flavien Cadieux, was a successful entrepreneur who does not tolerate anything less than perfection. Owning the largest movie production company in Hollywood, Flavien was at the top of the hierarchy. Cadieux Productions had the best actors and actresses. The latest movie, Beyond The Horizon was an absolute favourite. His son, Delano, was closely following his father's footsteps in the industry, earning his first billion before he was out of high school. 

His mother, Corinne, was an author who had won numerous awards on bestselling novels. Delano loved his mother's stories. They would always make him feel better when he doesn't feel right. She was an optimist, someone who shows her unconditional love for the two most important guys in her life, her husband and son. 

Every Saturday, the three of them would travel on their family jet and visit this island in search of peace, to unwind from the hectic lives they were caught up back in the city. Delano always looks forward to Saturdays. He could finally be free from the hopes and expectations of the people around him. 

But today, he could not find that feeling of euphoria. It was the first time he felt lonely on a Saturday. For the past three days, Delano's life has been a hell of a ride. And it was definitely far from perfect. 

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