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It was the first day of school after the funeral. For once, Delano felt like the eyes on him were filled with sympathy, and not the usual judgmental ones. People were throwing him pitiful smiles and asking him if he's doing alright.

He ignored the stares as he walked through the hallway. He took a turn and saw Brooklyn leaning gracefully against his locker. He gulped. Not again.

'Delano! I've been waiting for you,' she said, throwing her arms around his neck, which caught him by surprise. He wriggled uncomfortably and tried to free himself from her enthusiastic hug, but she tightened her grip on the back of his shirt. At this point, anyone who walked in on them would easily think that they were kissing or doing something fishy.

'Hey Brooklyn,' he started. 'What are you doing here?'

She batted her eyelashes and pouted her cherry red lips.

'I just wanted to make sure you'll be attending drama practice this afternoon,' she tugged on the hem of his shirt from behind. 'I've missed you.'

'I'll be there,' he pulled her hands away from him gently. 'See you later.'

Delano reached into his locker as Brooklyn walked away, and took out a wooden key chain with the shape of a key. He let his fingers trace on it and thought of the heart-shaped lock that he had given Belle when they met last night.

'Cadieux, haven't I made it clear?' Austin's voice rang through his eardrums.

'I didn't do anything, Austin.' Delano said, frustrated at how Austin always appears whenever Brooklyn is around.

Austin lifted his hand suddenly and his fist came flying fast towards Delano's face, stopping only millimeters away from his nose. Delano looked at the guy standing in front of him who was all red from anger, and blinked his eyes like nothing had happened.

'It won't miss its target the next time.' He threatened.

'You want a next time?' Delano lifted his eyebrows and laughed.

Austin leaned in and grabbed the collar of Delano's shirt, his breath heavy as he spoke.

'Stay. Away. From. My. Girlfriend.'


As much as Delano disliked Austin, he couldn't deny the fact that Austin and Brooklyn looked perfect together. They were both stars of the school, and could easily become the hottest couple in Hollywood. He shrugged it off, it's not like he was actually interested in Brooklyn.

As he walked to the theatre, all he could remember was that the last time he was there, he had blacked out. He pushed the door open and stepped inside, feeling the familiar brush of cold air on his cheek.

'You're here!' Brooklyn ran from the stage towards him and gave him a huge hug, which was obviously the reason why everyone was staring at them. He coughed dryly and turned away from her face which was resting on his chest.

'Hey, Del,' Piper came over just in time as Brooklyn raised her head. The glare that Brooklyn had in her eyes had Piper tremble a little.

'I'm...' Delano started. '...going to go drink some water.' And with a jog he went to the corner where he had left his bag. Piper followed.

'Looks like Queen Bee is a little possessive than I thought,' Piper joked.

'I could really use an Invisible Cloak right now,' Delano closed his eyes and mouthed some summoning charm he had read from his library of fantasy books.

Clap. Clap. Clap.

'Places, everyone.' Brooklyn called out through the golden flashlight-shaped microphone in her hands.

The scene they were going to practice was the part where Delano and Brooklyn would dance to the song 'Can I Have This Dance', which was literally one of the most romantic scenes in the entire play.

Delano placed his hand on Brooklyn's tiny little waist and followed her lead through the steps. A few turns later, all he could picture was Belle's gorgeous face in front of him. He wanted so badly to kiss her and tell her that he loved her and never let her go, but as he leaned in a few centimetres closer, someone's hand gripped onto his shoulder and spun him around.

He shook his head and felt the wave of blurry vision clear out. Belle's face faded away to reveal Austin's huge glaring eyes and a surprised Brooklyn behind his muscular physique. In the back of his mind, he scolded himself for letting his heart take over.

'Just what do you think you're doing?!'

Austin yelled and shrugged off Brooklyn's tight grip on his shirt. He grabbed Delano with both arms and raised his knee suddenly to give Delano a nice painful kick in his stomach. Delano gritted his teeth and tried to ignore the sharp pang of agonizing pain from the spot he was hit on, but Austin's continuous wave of punches and kicks all over his body made it hard for him to stand his ground.

'Austy, stop!'


'Please stop it! You're hurting him!'

Brooklyn's tear-filled shrieks were echoing in his ears. Delano used the last bit of his strength to make a move. He lifted his arm abruptly and covered his fingers over Austin's flying punch that was aiming for his face. He could feel the jealousy and anger in that fist that was trembling in the wrap of his fingers.

Somewhere in between the fight, the club members fled the theatre. Some wanted to seek for help, and the others just wanted to be the first ones to deliver the latest news on the fight of the century.

Just as Delano felt his biceps starting to tear up, Fletcher and Zeke came running and wrestling Austin until he finally lowered his fist and spit towards the ground.

'This isn't over, Cadieux,' Austin said before he grabbed Brooklyn on her wrist and marched out of the theatre.

'That's... two reasons to fight in a day.' Delano laughed. But as his friends looked at him, all they could see was a hurt little boy trying to be strong, his clothes were torn at some parts, there were purple and red bruises on his arms, legs and abs, and blood the colour of burning red was trickling down from the corner of his mouth.

'Del..' Fletcher started. But Delano gestured him to stop talking, and he moved towards his bag, picked it up, and dragged it on the floor as he walked through the exit.

The lonely look of his back somehow resembled to the artistic painting of a single seagull flying across the sea, which hung right above the exit he had walked through, both solemnly speaking of sorrow.


Delano looked into the mirror and ran his hand over the bruises all over his skin, squinting his eyes at some places where there were cuts from Austin's sharp fingernails. He grabbed the miniature first aid kit he kept on top of his wardrobe and sat on his bed. Just as he was figuring out which ointment to use, there was a soft knock on his window.

His eyes lit up when he saw Belle smiling at him through that thin sheet of glass, her porcelain figure gleaming in the faint moonlight, her eyes shimmering like carbonado diamonds. He opened the window and she slid into his arms, giggling silently like a mischievous little kid as he touched the tip of her nose with his finger. Her naughty laugh suddenly turned into a gentle yet worried expression when she let her hands caress his scarred skin, planting a kiss on his lips to ease his pain.

'Let me help you,' she took the box from his hands and treated his wounds.

Delano closed his eyes and tried to relax.

'What did I do to deserve you?' He asked, mouth turning into a smile as he hugged her closer. Belle leaned in and placed her hand on his chest to feel the beating of his heart. She frowned, but fortunately he couldn't see it.

'I love you, Belle. I really do.'

She kissed him again, tears filling up in her eyes which she fought to keep them inside.

I'm sorry, Delano. I love you too, but I shouldn't. I don't deserve you.

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