Chapter 4

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Zayn's POV:

I wake up very early this morning and I remember about the notebook that I got from that girl, Halley. I quickly get ready and it's still very soon so I take out the notebook from the drawer and sit down on my bed. I can't wait to read the embarrassing secrets of her. Haha. 

I open it. The first page only has one line. She wrote:"Halley's notebook"

Pss...such a weirdo. I roll my eyes and turn to the next page. What is this? This isn't what I expected to see! A photo? Of the sunset. The 3rd page is also a photo and the whole note book is full with photos. These are very beautiful photos. I look closely to one photo and I see a signature on the corner of it. That's her signature! She's a photographer. That's why she's so cold to people. I work with a lot of photographers so I know. Only some of them are friendly, the rest are cold as ice!

Don't know why I just cannot take my eyes off these photos. I sit there and admire the photos for 15 minutes! Suddenly, the door of my room opens!

"Zayn!" Niall walks in and I quickly closes the notebook.

"Wh-what?" I ask.

"Candance's gone" he says and I yell out loud,"What?!"

It can't be because of what I said to her yesterday, right?! Oh, it is because of me!

I throw the notebook on the bed and follow Niall outside. The boys are all in the living room. 

"Where did she go?" I ask, feeling worried about her. Louis shoves his hands into his pockets,"I asked the staff here and they said that there's a town near here. Maybe she's there"

"How far is it from here?" I ask.

"About 15 minutes driving" Harry says. I nod my head and put on my jacket,"I'll go find her"

"We'll come with you" Liam says but Harry just shakes his head,"I'll go with him. She's my cousin after all. Two of us are enough"

"Okay. Call us when you find her" Niall says and I nod my head and then follow Harry outside.


Alison's POV:

I'm standing on the balcony of my room, trying to catch a signal for my phone. Yesterday, it's still fine! Now I can't connect to the internet!

"Alison!" aunt Clara knocks on my door.

"Come in" I say, not taking my eyes off the phone. Aunt Clara opens the door and asks me,"can you go to the shop to buy me some food?"

"There are shops here?" I turn around and put my phone down on the desk.

"Yeah, there's a town that is 15 minute driving from here" she answers.

"Really? Does it have a mall?" I ask and aunt Clara laughs,"of course not dear, but you can find a lot of things and souvenirs there"

"Okay, that'll be great" I smile and grab my phone and my jacket.

"Ally will drive you there" she says and walks out of the door. I close all of the windows and turn off the lights and quickly go downstairs. Maybe if I go there early, I can be back just in time that Rosy arrives.

It usually takes 15 minutes from the resort to the town but Ally knows the short cut so we arrive just in 10 minutes. She stops the car and asks me,"can you go by yourself?"

"Yeah" I nod my head.

"Good, I'll be back later. I have to go get some fishes at the harbor" she says and I returns her a smile then get out of the car. The town is not so crowded. The people here are mostly the local people. I walk pass the shops and I realize that the stuff they're selling is as good as  the stuff they sell in the city where I live. Suddenly, I see a young girl. She seems like a rich person. Her clothes are expensive so she easily catches my attention. She doesn't seem like a person who's lived here for a long time. Maybe she's from the big city like me. She stands to look at the souvenirs for a moment when suddenly two boys come to her. They take her hand and say something. She quickly pushes them back and walks away but they follow her and keep on annoying her. I just can't take it anymore. I walk to them,"Yo! You two!"

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