Things I Hate

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nobody told me to do my idea...also 

i know this isnt a question, but some friends have this q and a thing and then they just stop answering questions all the sudden and it turns into their diary

so why not start early huh?

c'mon, dont lie, you could be one of those people that do that,

ok im not gonna turn this into a diary.....but ...ill do something different ....why do you care? idk you tell me....why are you reading this?

also...i dont give a shet about grammar..i purposely misspell "bad words"....only some tho..and i dont do apostrophes 


these are things i hate

i could write them all but i know how to control me i hate almost everything

but here are some

i hate it when i make a really awesome joke and no one hears least i think its awesome
i hate it i think someone is ignoring my text but then realize that i forgot to press send
i hate it when i go to the mall and those mini store(that are in the middle of the halls)workers go up to you and tell you all about there products and get mad at you for not wanting it...LOOK I CAME TO THE MALL FOR A DIFFERENT REASON, I DONT WANT UR CANCER
i hate it when a dog dies in a movie
i hate it when my teacher grades my test and write a note in their ugly ass chicken scratches and it take me a fuqing Google translate to find out  what it says
i hate it when im so hungry and buy a snack for myself,and then like 6 people are following me so i can give them one..or when this just stick their slimy ass hands in my bag of chips or something and dont even ask me for a piece because " IM THEIR FRIEND"....its people like you make me think about shooting up a school.
i hate it when people act nice because they want something..just like the one before...
i hate it when some take a piece of food i mentally claimed...a lot of things are about food aren't they...ya i hate sharing food . fuq you.
i hate it when my mom can hear me mumbling but cant hear me scream "WHAT"when she calls my name
i hate it when i get excited for something so much,then when the day comes,they cancel it
i hate it when im happy it a Sunday but then remember that tomorrow there is school...and there was homework i didnt do
i hate it when in a horror movie,the characters decide to split the amount of intelligence you guys just expressed..might as well slip up because if you continue to be together you will die way faster.
i hate it when i get an Awesome idea at night,but in the morning when i want to do it,i forget what it was
i hate it when im the first one to wake up at a sleepover.....i also just hate sleepovers in general..if ur gonna have a sleepover...dont invite me....
i hate it when i cant remove a sticker neatly on something that is new 
i hate it when i have head phones and i have to keep taking them off because the same person keeps trying to talk to me.
i hate it when i have a wooden pencil and......well..i just hate wooden pencils in general 
i hate it when im waiting for someone to answer a REALLY EASY question in class. THE ONLY TIME I WANT TO GET CALLED ON
i hate it when my microwave decides to heat my plate instead of my food
i hate it when i meow at a cat and they dont meow back
i hate it when i hold a door for someone but they dont say thank you...
i hate it when my friends say something bad or cuss in front of my parents  

and last but not least...this shet makes me pissed...and this is also my feel free to stomp the shet outta of it...but...

for the people that ship their fuqing mary sue with a canon character .......

for the people that ship their fuqing mary sue with a canon character

Oops! This image does not follow our content guidelines. To continue publishing, please remove it or upload a different image. i understand...its ur oc and shet...i wont personally do it for my oc's.....


basically i hate mary sue characters...but..just..with a canon character..and they do fanart of it...

just fuqing..drink bleach

anywhore these are SOME things i hate


and ill just leave this here to rot

if you wanna ask questions because...its a Q and A you dumbass

then ask.....

so yeah


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