Why am I doing this you ask?
Find out on the next episode of ur local rape show to find out.
But srsly tho
I dont know why I'm doing this...
I hate writing..... So...this will be fun
i dont really have anything new for you tbh but i just made this speedpaint of steven universe (not OF steven but...show wise ya know?)
they are a lot harder to draw then i though
i took like...almost 2 hours i dont really do much speedpaints unless i just really want to
i also dont like making speedpaint too long because i feel like they get boring so this one is 3 minutes ive seen my old speedpaints and they're like 13 minutes long im just internally screaming because who has time to watch all that?
but i want to keep my speedpaint about 3-5 minutes long
oh and just in case you wanna see the picture
here you go
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sugailite is T H I C C tho
but i didnt make her that thicc like she appears in the show i should be ashamed of my self
so if you guys dont know what steven universe is just....gay space rocks...thats it ok well
imma just leave this here just in case its just to make sure people know im not ded