Is This Real ?

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sierras POV

i woke up with 5 miss calls from my dad , who actually lives on the other side of the country . I called him back but he was too busy to answer . I went down stairs to eat breakfast but surprisingly my mom wasn't there but she left me a note , " hey honey good morning , I'm at the grocery store see you in a while
- mom

I decided to surprise my mom at the grocery store and help her with shopping , so I got dressed and drove there . I saw her at the cashier , with a worried expression on her face and ran up to her. mom what's wrong ? honey why are you here ? she said surprised I decided to help you , oh thanks honey but there's something we have to talk about she said sadly

what ? I asked with no patience , you have to go to California , what is this like a family vacation ? no honey you have to go visit your dad . oh ok I guess I'm gonna miss you , I know ill miss you too she said

* at home *

honey you have to go pack . sure mom as I was packing my dad called I answered with hey dad , hi sweetie pie what's up ? nothin much just packing to meet you at Cali I'm so excited about going there I'm more excited to meet you. ok bye dad talk to you later gotta pack , honey i heard my mom call ( shout ) my name , what's up ? are you done packing cuz you leave tomorrow , I'm about to finish k cool hurry up she said with a warm smile on her face

* pass time to tomorrow *

wake up sierra come on you need to leave , oh really  bye mom ill miss you bye honey she said as her eyes started filling with tears . I hugged her goodbye and drove off to the airport . flight 156 last call that was my flight as you guys can guess I went on the plane and sat next to a old guy he was really nice , as the plane boarded I remembered to tell my best friend Alisha that I'm leaving so I told her the news she was so sad but happy for me after I ended the call I thought is this real ?

authors note :

hope you guys like this chapter Devan is coming in later

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