The one

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Ma'am wake up the airplane have landed the women said , I smiled with pleasure knowing I'll see my dad again .

As I walk out of the plane I spot my dad I just run aimlessly towards my dad , and give him a big hug . After a while he looked at me and said guess who I brought ?

Who is it ? I said excited , after that I see a figure appear from behind my dad and I realize it's Becky I gave her the biggest hug ever !

• on the road •

While arriving Becky and I talked about our lives and how they changed , do you remember josh Toronto ? Becky asked yes sure I do I said well do you remember that he was my biggest crush? Yea I said guessing what's about to happen. Well now he's my boyfriend ! OMG REALLY ?!
Yes she said while smiling . Cool so how's your summer been ? Becky asked its been like summer I GUESS .

• at home •

We arrived really late like 11:00 pm kinda late so Becky helped me unpack and we went to sleep , actually no we chatted about our lives and stuff , so how's it been with josh and everything ? Good she replied I smiled then she said don't Worry Sierra your find the one . After a while we went to sleep , I was thinking about what she am I really gonna find the one ?

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