every single way

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Sierras POV :
I woke up the next day and decided to take a quick shower after 15 minutes I came out of the bathroom

Changed into something comfy CUZ why not ?

And then we by down to get my some breakfast and the BOMB tv show that's my fav scream queens .

After a while Becky came down and looked at me with her eyes FULL with shock

Why aren't you dressed she asked

Why should I ? I replied

We're going out to lunch and PLZ wear something cute .

I went to my room and picked out an outfit cuz becky insisted that I wear something cute .

I thought it was gonna be cold cuz we're staying till like 1 AM

So I saw the jacket that Devan gave me and decided to wear it

- skip time ( in the car ) -

So where are we going ? I asked hoping for an answer

We're going to lunch she said

We're here she said getting out of the car , I felt really nervous of what's going to happen.

We get into this restaurant called chipotle , that I have never been in

And I see josh and a guy that looks really familiar but i didn't give that much attention

After becky greeted josh with a kiss on the check I hugged him cuz I miss him so much

After a while I realized everything and screamed out loud

Really becky its a double date !

Surprise she said hoping for a smile to come out of me

Can't believe you tricked me I said

She took me aside and said please do it for me I really like josh and it would be really weird to be alone on our first date

FINE I said ok thank you so much. No problem I replied

As becky and josh were staring at each other endlessly

I felt a tap on my shoulder and I turned back hello again he said

Oh hi Devan I said I didn't know you were Josh's friend

Well yea I am he said cool I replied so I see your wearing the jacket I gave you he said while smirking , oh I'm so sorry here take it I said while taking it off , no don't take it off it looks better on you anyway he said smiling , I started blushing so to change the conversation I said ok so let's get a table until they stop staring at each other i said

Yea that's a good idea he replied

We went to find an empty table , and we finally found a table for four at the end

We sat there as josh and Becky came

I have never been here I said

I really don't know what to order I said scrolling through the menu

YOU HAVE NEVER BEEN HERE ?! Devan said surprised

Yes I smiled nervously , I'll order something for you

Do you think I can trust you ?

Come on sure you can he said while smirking I blushed visibly

Fine as we ordered our food Devan and I explained to Becky and josh how we met

After 15 minutes about talking our food came

- skip time till 10:00 pm -

So I think we should be going now josh suggested

yea its getting real late I replied

as Becky and josh were flirting with each other Devan and I paid and then waited outside the restaurant for them to come

so is your sister piking you up or no ? Devan questioned

actually my dad drove us here I replied

can I have the honor to drive you home ? he offered and then winked at me

I started blushing like a mad person than god it was dark outside

sure ill tell Becky about that

ok , inform me when you get an answer

sure I said

finally Becky and josh stopped flirting and chased up to wait outside e

I told her that Devan is gonna drive us home

she sighed then agreed and said her goodbyes to josh

Devan I started calling him , Becky agreed

YES ! he said happily and hugged me

- skip time till home -

here we are he said

thank you for driving us home

no problem BABE he said

oh you have a nickname for me now ?

yup I do he said while winking

I started blushing so much

bye I said

bye he replied

as I got home I changed into some comfy clothes and went into MY room

after awhile Becky came in

thank you for coming with me to the date I really appreciate it

no problem I said

after a while Becky went to sleep

my phone started vibrating I looked and it was a text from Devan

texting convo :

Devan : hey sierra had fun tonight ;)

sierra : me 2 but we had to third wheel ALOT I mean a lot !

Devan : GTG sorry , have to film a YouTube vid with the bro

sierra : goodnight Dbear

Devan : goodnight BABE

sierras POV :

he makes blush in every single way



this is the longest chapter I have ever wrote hope you like this bye PEEPS :)

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