blue eyes

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Sierras POV :

I couldn't sleep so I decided to roam around the streets of California , I didn't have a jacket cuz it's summer so yea , it was really cold

It was really late so I didn't expect anyone there , I saw a figure moving towards me but I accidentally bumped into the figure , as I look up I saw a perfect pair of freakin blue eyes

I'm sorry for bumping into you I'm real clumsy I said nah it's ok he said , here you go he said giving me his jacket oh no you didn't have to I said taking it nah it's ok I could see you were freezing .

Yea I chuckled there was like 2 minutes of silence then I said so I'm Sierra I'm devan he replied cool so why are you in Cali he asked oh just moved about 2 weeks ago to visit my dad

Oh cool he said smiling

So ... Do you know some cool places around Cali ?
Do you think you could show me around ?

Sure there's this ice cream about 2 blocks away

Ok I said

- after a while after devan showing me around -

Oh it's really late I have to head back home

Can I walk you home atleast?

Sure I said

- Infront of my house ( baby take control now we can't even slow down ) -

Thanks for showing me around I said while smiling

No problem he said while staring at my eyes

I started staring into his blue eyes , I just love his blue eyes .

Blue Eyed Babe || Devan keyWhere stories live. Discover now