16 - Jauregui (Part 1)

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***I don't know what goes on in a courtroom when decisions are being read but I do know there's a hearing for that. So, yeah. Haha I decided to split this in two because this was nearing 10K and if I went at it, it'd reach 20. Might as well split it. And forgive the lack of proofreading and possible bad writing. haha!

Lauren was passionately relieved.

She let out the biggest sigh a human being could breathe out; drawing it deep from within her belly and huffing it out with great force. For the first time, sighing felt sweet. She was severely gratified to release some of her greatest frustrations out into the world - to let it drift carelessly with the wind while her lighter body was propelled backwards, landing on the driver's side of her parked car.

Eyes contently closed, she tipped her chin up to the dark clouds that have been dusting the surface of the earth with majestic spectacles. A smiled traced her lips and she relished in the tranquility that enveloped her as she calmly filled her lungs with the burning cold air.

It was snowing when Lauren woke up that day. And since regaining consciousness, her heart shook with nerves as it steadily descended down to her foot. Getting up and getting ready was a tumultuous process as her anxious mind braced for the lowest probability of having to remain as Sean's wife. It was rather ridiculous but no assumption would be too farfetched or too stupid for the dreadful and petrified.

Lauren never stopped to worry until she heard the speech that meant her legal connection to Sean had been severed.

"Welcome back, Jauregui." Dinah announced proudly, accentuating the surname that had been greatly missed. Her grin was the widest, showing off her pearly whites and revealing the dimple atop her cheek bone.

That's right. Lauren Jauregui is back and it felt nothing short of glorious.


Hearing it articulated had never been as gratifying, which gave Lauren a new appreciation for her family name.

As of a couple of minutes prior, Lauren had just been released from every metaphorical bondage that prevented her from seeking and attaining absolute bliss, being anchored by a name that wasn't hers. She is finally free from the lies and deceit of her marriage that may have tortured her ex-husband more when considering the details of their brief relationship.

There was a conflicting feeling riddling Lauren's throat and chest that she never foresaw. She may not have outwardly expressed it but when Sean decided to file for annulment, Lauren was hopeful that eradicating her title as wife would mean she could have her second chance with Camila. And while she was in deep bliss and respite, she felt like she was facing a dead-end when it came to the professor.

But for now, Lauren was happy.

"Thanks, Dinah." Lauren breathed out, voice drizzled with such contentment; still quite overwhelmed by the judge's decision.

"Come here." Dinah joyfully coaxed, opening her arms to invite Lauren in, who immediately complied and pressed her body against her friend's. "I feel the sudden need to hug you. It's like I haven't seen you in a long time and I just missed you. But I'm really, really cold, too."

The pair giggled like children, fully immersed in jovial celebration but they could not avoid huffing contently if they tried.

Everything seemed unreal when they both assessed the journey that led them there, hugging in that parking lot behind a dreary city courthouse of concrete and stone that they never wanted to set foot in any time soon.

There was an apparent disbelief to come to terms with the reality that Lauren had arrived the finish line of the tumultuous process of her annulment. She was choked up to find that all of her efforts, her time, emotional and mental stress were not in vain. Lauren felt significantly lighter that if she were ever to let go, she would float down gracefully like a feather.

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