25 - Closure

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"What's wrong, honey?"

The question hung in the air; a daunting dark cloud of a looming storm. And Lauren felt selfish, having known she would be the catalyst of the hurricane that could potentially ruin the woman's day or...brighten it depending on what they chose to dwell on.

Her heart was heavy in her chest and every constricted pulse was withdrawing strength she barely possessed. The breeze against her skin was suffocating, forcing her to shrivel into the warm cavern that was her body – slowly beaten, slowly consumed until she was trembling that even her audacity to speak was robbed from her.

And as she tightened her grip on the neck of the wine bottle, Lauren was fearful, like the same pressure was applied around her throat. She hadn't consumed enough alcohol to decrease her reticence, but a part of her was certain she would have sobered up regardless.

"I'm so sorry, Sinu." Her frail voice wavered, a breath skipping through a silent whimper.

"Mija," The woman's tone was gentle, motherly – the kind riddled with concern and void of prejudice as opposed to what she'd heard from Clara in the last couple of years since she decided to search for Camila. "Lauren, are you okay?"

"I'm sorry." Lauren repeated in a whisper, shaking her head incessantly as if to deny herself of the luxury of Sinu's soothing words. It was an apology she regretfully offered for every mistake, inadequacy and the secrets she continued to keep and still, she felt like she couldn't say it enough.

"It's okay. Whatever it is, it's-"

"I found her."

Lauren didn't recognize her own voice amidst the hushed confession. She was sent backwards, her back colliding against the hard, coarse surface of the brick wall. Not trusting her legs, Lauren slipped down until she could hug her folded legs; abandoning the wine bottle by her feet.

Truthfully, she was out of it. Her ears were ringing and her skin was burning, bitten by the chill of the night. All she could focus on was her breathing; otherwise, she would have lost consciousness. She was in the verge of tears and speaking had become such a task that it took every ounce of energy in her.

Thoughts filled the haunting silence, eliciting the most irrational to bubble at the surface as Lauren waited for Sinu to ponder on the news. Fear swirled in her body, coursed through her veins but she had no idea what she was really terrified of. It could have been the impending admission of a secret she kept for two months or that nagging feeling in her gut that convinced her that the mere intention of calling Sinu was already betraying Camila. She would continue to contemplate if she was making the right decision despite the knowledge that bringing Camila's estranged family in the mix would promote her recovery; a prerequisite somehow.

And finally, a deep exhale mangled by a sniffle; a gesture riddled by a slew of emotions.

"Is she okay?" Sinu choked as she tried to speak despite her faltering voice. She'd been crying and her fluctuating pitch was heartbreaking.

Her first question meant more than seeking for an answer from Lauren. It was of a mother, longing for her child and for the slightest bit of good news so she could finally breathe without a waver somewhere in her pipes.

And somehow, before uttering her query, Sinu had already been breathing a sigh of relief. If she trusted anyone with Camila, it was Lauren; they'd long established that. Truthfully, she was impressed when the teenage version of the psychologist barged into her office to fight for their love. Nobody had been ballsy enough, more so, stupid enough to face her and her husband until Lauren.

It was an irony that her act of defiance earned Sinu's respect.

"Not entirely but she is." It was the most truthful answer Lauren could give without raising alarms.

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