12 - Puzzles

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A little over eight the next day, Dinah found Camila perched on a white bar stool at the breakfast table. It was actually the impeccably clean and astoundingly large white marble-topped kitchen island that Dinah wondered why they needed that dining hall.

Camila was sipping a cup of coffee, reading the business column of a newspaper. Before her was a plate sprinkled with crumbs from the toast she had consumed not long prior, and strawberry jam and silky butter stood right by.

They were actually adults now and Dinah smiled to herself at her mind's attempts at arguing she was still younger than Camila. So, technically, she wasn't as old as her friends.

Dinah's vision was overwhelmed with shiny stainless steel and white, and hints of brown, while her nostrils were captivated by the hypnotizing aroma of brewed coffee. Kitchen cabinets came in white with steel handles and shelving. Apart from the shiny and large refrigerator/freezer and stove/oven, the rest of the kitchen appliances came in white.

There were two other people in the spacious room that Dinah was yet to meet. One was to Camila's right, by the sink, cutting vegetables and significantly younger than the middle aged blonde, who was sitting with Camila - having her own coffee and reading material.

More people to talk to.

"Morning." Dinah announced, prompting three heads to look towards her. Blinking groggily, she offered them a closed-mouth grin, taking a deep breath as she rubbed her upper arms.

"Good morning!" Camila retorted, folding the newspaper and perching it on the table. "How was your sleep?"

Of course, Camila would ask that. It was what a polite host would have uttered first thing in the morning.

"It was good. The bed was really comfortable." Dinah informed with a smile; nodding to acknowledge the blonde woman who smiled her way.

"Great!" Camila cheered in relief. "Breakfast?"

"Oh, yeah, I'm starving."

Camila gracefully introduced the three women to each other, surprising Jean, Linda's cooking assistant with her cordiality and amiability. That had never happened before and if Camila had addressed any of them, save for Linda and really, the older staff, she would only speak of her requests. Camila would thank them but would never extend a smile towards them or any words more - not even their names.

Luca was their obvious favorite while they all had a soft spot for little Elf.

Camila had asked Dinah what she wanted to eat and the latter requested for what Camila's was having. Dinah made sure to thank the woman, who had kindly got up to prepare her food as she sauntered over to join Camila. She took the seat opposite the one Linda had vacated, leaning on it - albeit rudely, as she sniffled the remainders of slumber up her nostrils.

"You'll get used to it." Camila mumbled her consolation, laughing softly at how Dinah groaned in response. "Mornings aren't that bad."

"The problem is, Mila," She grumbled, raising her head and flashing her friend an unimpressed look, which earned her a much heartier laugh. She mockingly blinked repeatedly as she maintained a straight face. "I don't want to."

The Polynesian could remember all the years she spent, begrudgingly waking up to get ready for school. College was much easier when she was allowed to choose her own schedule. Her thoughts were easily veered towards a little boy, who was living the years that Dinah considered the beginning of an endless "nightmare". She had found the three colorful letters stuck to Elf's door upon exiting the guest room and had been meaning to ask Camila about him.

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