2 - Strangers

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The feeling was like seeing a supernatural creature that wasn't supposed to be existing in a world of the ordinary. It was of utter disbelief and astonishment that pushed a gasp out of Lauren's mouth while her heart raced; raced with the surge of nerves and an inexplicable bliss that consumed her entire being.

Lauren had finally found Camila; more so, Camila found her but that detail didn't matter.

Camila Cabello was never a typical, everyday person in Lauren's eyes. The girl had always stood out; the complete opposite of a needle in a haystack. Those expressive doe eyes spoke of her effervescence; a youthful outlook of the world, and the kind and compassionate girl behind the waterfall of intimidating eloquent words that emit from those luscious lips. Her mind could easily conjure up a manipulation that could drive a person to their knees; not that she would.

Office attire had never looked quite as attractive as they were on Camila. A long-sleeved white dress shirt tucked in a black and white patterned, high-waist pencil skirt and black stilettos; a typical outfit that Lauren had seen everywhere but had never piqued her interest until she saw it on her ex-girlfriend. Brunette locks flowed gracefully like water with gentle waves rippling from the middle down to the tip.

And there had never been a body quite like Camila's in all her 27-year-old glory. If puberty did her wonders; adulthood simply exaggerated her beauty and made a goddess out of the girl. And, god, did she look stunning. In all the years that Lauren had known the girl, Camila still managed to render her breathless.

Lauren sat there, stunned and gawking at the woman, the woman she was still head-over-heels in love with. The sight of her only intensified those feelings and the fear that Camila might not feel the same way anymore. Her senses were heightened, alarmed and ready to react at the slightest of movements amid the deafening white noise ringing in her ears that canceled the world around her.

The years that separated them and the different people it contorted them to be seemed to have been irrelevant when Lauren found the bow resting in the middle of the collar. The girl Lauren used to know was still there...somewhere.

Lauren learned something as her green eyes continued to marvel at the sight of her ex-girlfriend; Camila would have been easily found if only she knew she was married. Married. Clausnitzer. Camila was married and the more Lauren repeated that in her head, the more it killed her.

"Ca-Clausnitzer?" Lauren stammered, thankful that she was able to stop herself before blurting out the nickname that only she ever called the woman.

She had never felt more insecure in her life with those seemingly judgmental brown eyes intently watching her with a malicious intensity that immediately followed her familiar raspy voice. That was the only difference from the 19-year-old girl Lauren left, the hostility rippling in her chocolate pools.

"Tremaine?" Camila mumbled, reluctant to pronounce the alien name while testing it around her tongue, and was immediately disgusted.

For a moment, Camila's shock was as clear as day and the startled, choked up tone of her voice matched her ex-girlfriend's. The sight of the green eyed brunette drowned her in a deluge of dolor, propelling her to a painful nostalgic trip down to their shared past and the taunting thought of the future that they could have had. Consequently, her steadfast, hardened demeanor instantly molded into that of vulnerability as moisture crawled up to her eyes with the gut-wrenching and heart crumpling feeling of heartbreak slamming in full force.

It was as fresh as it is to Lauren and they individually, separately knew why the effects were still formidable. The fire of their love never died down. There was a reason they were each other's great love.

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