The Family

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      After the intense game of Monopoly, Irene went to dress in her pajamas. As she was changing, the phone rang. "Caroline! Get the phone! It's Katie!" Irene called hurriedly dressing.
Irene finally ran downstairs and Caroline handed her he phone. "Hi, Katie. How are you, my darling?"
"I'm very well, Mom. How are you?"
"I just got through an intense game of Monopoly with a bunch of cheaters!" Irene said loud enough for the family to hear.
"I did not cheat!" Jackie called back.
Katie laughed, "Sounds like you're having fun."
"Well, you and Josie are both at Yale and the boys are studying for midterms. So, I'm just relaxing."
"Nice, well, I wanted to let you know that Josie and I are leaving tomorrow and we should see you Saturday morning."
"That sounds good. Give my love to Josie."
"I will. I love you."
"I love you too!"
Irene put the phone back on the receiver and spun around to see John, "Hey, I want to ask you something."
"What's that?"
"I have two tickets to see White Christmas at the theatre."
"That's my favorite musical," Irene gently smacked his arm.
"I got them for a girl I was trying to impress, but she wasn't interested in me."
"Aw, so nice to know you bought them special for me," Irene laughed, "I'm kidding. Continue."
"Will you go with to see White Christmas with me?"
"Yes! When?"
"Tomorrow night."
"Perfect! The girls won't be home yet and the boys are meeting with some friends at the diner after midterms."
"Alright then," John put his arm around Irene's shoulders and walked with her to the kitchen where Caroline, Jack, and Jackie were sitting.
"John! Let go! I have to go check on Max and Louis."
John kissed her on the top of the head and let her go, "I love ya, sis!"
"Love you too, John. Goodnight, Caroline. Night, Mom and Dad!"
Irene strolled up to bed and looked on the large room that her seventeen year old twin boys shared. "How's the studying going?"
"Mom, can you help me study for World History?" Max asked.
"Mom, can you help me study for my US Government class?" Louis asked.
Irene glanced at him and then stepped outside the door, "Dad or John! We need assistance."
Jack came up the stairs, "What's up?"
"Louis has a government midterm."
"Ha-ha! I can help him study for that!"
"You guys stay here. Max, let's go in my room."
After the final study session of the night had ended, Irene went to bed. The next morning Irene woke early and as usual, she was the first awake. She put on the coffee pot and then sat reading the paper. Per the usual, everyone came down to eat breakfast and then they all got ready for the day.
"Max! Louis! Let's go!"
The boys came bounding down the steps and then They climbed into the car. Irene dropped them off at school bidding them good luck on their midterms.
After the normal routine had ended, Irene drove to the shopping center and went to search for the perfect Christmas presents for all of her family.

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