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You would go into your room and sit down on your bed. Not even after 5 minutes Scott comes in and sits down next to you and apogalize that he was so dumb to let you leave. He and you would go for a night walk and come late back because you talked about everything.

At the next day in school you would stand at your locker and the walk through the halls. Till an arm shot out of sanitor closet and drag you in. There would be Stiles looking that tired (you know like Void 😏) he would try to apologize and hug you tight because normally you would be every night cuddling.

Void Stiles:
He always gets you to forgive him.
*all i gotta say >hes hot ;)*

Before you could fully walk away he Grabs you by the arm. You look back and see his teary eyes but you don't care, he betrayed every one and probably the only Person that could ever love him for his personality (but he is hot as fuck😘) the last sentences he would hear from you that night would be 'if you stop hurting my friends you can come back but till that I don't wanna know you'

Brett has a lots of Tests to liam. And after a while he will live with this relationship, nobody said something from accepted.

You breathed in deeply through your nose and then walked over to him to hug him tight. Firat his arms didnt move but his warm tensed body relaxed and gave eventually into your touch. You smiled, a tear rolling down your cheek cause of your soft squinched eyes, you whispered sweet words into his ear telling him how you would never do this to him because you love him to much (your little sourwolf)  and slowly he started trusting you more, more than everyone.

There aint problems (biatch)
(jus' kiddin) because my little poor scarf gold locked boy could never do sth wrong.

You helped him with his Issues and he got more calm and chose to just show you off to tell the guys to fuck off.

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