SmutSeries: Where your hands go

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His go to your waist and bringing you as close as possible as if he never wants to let you go while yours go to his checks pressing them together and guiding his lips to yours.

His go to your hips so he can always place you on the kitchen counter, table, against the wall, lockers everywhere. Your hands go to his hair tuggin it to get a moan or grunt.

Void Stiles:
Your hands usually go to his shoulders cause his kisses have so much force you need something to hold. His hands are on your throat not choking you (if you dont want) more just resting there.

Everywhere and when I say everywhere I mean ...EVERYWHERE...
his to your waist, hips, behind your legs, between your legs, up your back.(Like yours)
Everything just to give both of you pleasure.

Like Theo practical everywhere like pulling your legs around his waist, ass, yanking at your hair, it just too fast to list where they go.

They go to your ass, mostly holding you up against a wall.


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