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...2 days later...

"Katie!!! WAKE UP!!! We have to be at the airport soon!!" Mom said into my ear. I was sleeping quietly and peacefully until she came.

"uuuggghhhhhh!" I said rolling out of my warm soft bed. I showered, got dressed, and packed my last things for my plane in my backpack. In the car ride to the airport I had was on my phone looking at things about China. I learned that China was governed by an emperor, and in ancient times China was far ahead from the other countries of the world. In 1949 Communists took power and major changes were made. The government ended the old system of land ownerships, Chinese farmers were bitter with losing land, the food production fell and there were terrible food shortages, and the government only allowed some private ownerships which helped the food production grow. Also in the 1970's the Communists tried to slow China's population by attacking large families, they made harsh rules like Chinese couples could only marry in their late 20's, and they could only be one child per family. Also the women's position improved. Women could own property, choose a husband, and file a divorce. But now men still have power and marriages are sometimes still arranged. Parents or family members decide who will marry who. The old traditions are still strongest in rural areas. In China there is the 'Great Wall of China.'

I am going to film it when we get to China. On the plane I slept and started editing the beginning of my video. When we got to China went went to the hotel because it was late at night. I knew that I would not fall asleep because of the jet lag. We would be there for three days and that would give me time to film my video. After China we would go to Japan for another three days and then after that we would be going to South Korea.

"Good morning everyone!" I said into my camera. "It is day one of our nine day trip!"

"Katie honey! I have to go to work in an hour, if you need anything you can call me, and here is $100 in Chinese money! Do not spend it all!" My mom said handing me a couple bills. My mom was all ready for work and she would be leaving in half an hour, so I decided that I would go look around and get some breakfast. My mom had a class she was teaching today so I could not call her a lot. I got dressed and told my mom I was going out to look for a place to eat. I knew a little bit of Chinese but not a lot. I would be able to get my way around the city without getting lost...hopefully. 

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