Chapter 1

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Author's Note:

Hey readers/McCreerians!! So this story is loosely based off my two experiences meeting Scotty McCreery at his concerts and some wild imaginations XD I will try to update twice a week. Please enjoy!

Main Characters:

Amy - 17 years old. Short light brown hair, blue eyes. Small town girl. Christian. Sweet, funny, down-to-earth. Loves music, dancing, and playing softball.

Scotty - 19 years old. Country boy. Christian. Famous country singer. Loves his family, singing, and baseball.

Janice - Amy's Mom.

Suzie - Amy's Aunt.

Liz - 18 years old. Amy's best friend. long brown hair, green eyes. Absoloutely loves Scotty McCreery.


June 30, 2013

Amy's P.O.V.

I was on summer vacation with my aunt, uncle, and mother in Cape Cod, and tonight, I was going to a concert with my mom (Lame, I know). But it wasn't just any concert, it was a SCOTTY MCCREERY CONCERT!!! I've had these tickets for two months and could not wait to see him. Now it's finally here. 

I really hope there's some miracle that I meet him after the show. I thought back to the night I met him for the first time and thought that...maybe...just way.

I knew for a fact that he wouldn't be able to remember me. It's been two years since we met and I cut my hair super short. Plus, he meets hundreds of fans, a lot of them prettier than me, so there's no way he would remember someone like me. 

Before we entered the arena, this woman with a nasty look told me to not bring in a camera. So I went to the car and pretended to put it away when, really, I snuck it into my bag. MUAHAHA!

When I made my way to my seat, the show immediately started. He came on stage and I couldn't believe it! This wasn't the shy and conserved Scotty that I saw during the Idol tour, this was a totally confident, rocking and rolling Scotty that has finally come out of his shell! I've never seen him perform like this. So energetic and comfortable on stage, it's like it's his home!

After the show, my mom decided to head straight to the car while I went to buy a Scotty McCreery Cross necklace. They look just like the one he wears!! I was just about to leave the stand when some woman caught my eye. She was talking to a guard and looked very familiar. I realized that woman was Scotty's mother, she was so cute! I decided to tell her. So, I walked up to her and she looked at me while I asked, hopefully without being creepy,

"Hi, are you Scotty's mother?"

She sorta smiled at me and said, "Why yes I am"

"I don't mean to be a weirdo or anything but you are just so adorable!" I told her.

"Aww you are such a sweetie!" she stuck out her hand and I shook it. "I'm Judy McCreery."

"Hi, I'm Amy", I just met his mom, SCORE!!!!

"So, did you have fun tonight?" She asked.

"Oh, it was like a party in there! Scotty is so amazing. His performing skills just keep getting better and better!"

"That's very sweet, I'll be sure to tell him you said that."

Judy's P.O.V.

What a sweet girl! No girl her age has ever complimented him as a true performer before. She's very pretty too...

Pretty soon an idea popped into my head.

"Actually, why don't you tell him yourself?" I said.

She looked confused for a second. "Um, excuse me?" she asked.

"I'm headed right now to his meet and greet, would you like to tag along?"

A look of intense happiness came across her face. Her jaw dropped and she said, "I would love to, only if it's not too much trouble."

"Oh don't be silly, Scotty loves meeting his fans!"

"Wow, thank you so so much! I can hardly wait!"

Amy's P.O.V.

I couldn't believe it! I was on my way to meet Scotty McCreery for the second time!

My mom already headed back to the car so I figured I'd give her a text so she doesn't worry.

To: Mom

I FOUND SCOTTY! I'M GONNA MEET HIM AGAIN! be out in ten minutes!!

By the time we got to the tour bus, I got a reply

From: Mom

That's great!!!! Be careful!!! Don't talk to strangers!!!

I rolled my eyes at that text. I've known since I was born to never talk to strangers.

So we arrived behind the tour bus where the meet and greet was held and I was added to the line of girls waiting to meet him. I couldn't believe Scotty's mother got me to meet him!

"Thank you so much for getting me in this meet and greet!" I thanked her.

"No problem. Just keep it quick though because we gotta get going soon", she told me.

It was my turn. I walked up to Scotty and he gave me a little smile, which I returned, and shook my hand. I asked for a hug and he went in for it! As I was hugging him I tried to remeber everything I could about him. The softness of his shirt, his scent, his pale blue eyes, and the cutest stubble on his chin.

"Did you have fun tonight?" he asked me.

"Oh, I had a blast!" I answered honestly. "I actually met you before during the idol tour in Baltimore."

He raised his eyebrows a bit and said, with a smile, "Oh really? Wow that's pretty cool. Baltimore's a good city."

"Yeah it is", I looked at my watch and realized I had to get back to my mom. "Well I gotta go, but it was nice seeing you." 

"Yeah, maybe I'll see you again sometime" he said with a smirk. DON'T FAINT! DON'T FAINT!

I chuckled a bit "Yeah, maybe. Have a good night!"

"You too"

I can't believe I met him...AGAIN! This has been the best night of my life! 

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