So Many Eh

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Why hello there! Yes I know I haven't posted in a while, sue me.

I have had a bunch of things happen lately. But it's all ok now! Yay!

So right now I am heading to Kentucky. I've been in the car already for a long time. So after I finish this chapter I thought, why not add a new chapter to 'My Happy Ending' ? I'm sure most of you would like that. Eh?

Anyways, we are like a little bit more than a hour away from the hotel. I'm officially scared of hotels now. Here is the reason why, my second mama decided to tell me and both of my friends horror stories that happened in hotels. So yep. It's just great.

A great song came on and guess what? Second Mama decided to change it. Thank you. Lots. Yep. Ok. Sorry. Eh.

So like I'm on Instagram. If you didn't know. My username on there is Catherine_in_neverland. Anyways, I have like 2 crushes on there. One of them are dating but I support them. That one is (Instagram name) maxisstrange . But one of them is single and I finally got them to talk to me! I'm so happy! His name is (again Instagram name) itz_shawn13. And you guessed it, he is 13. But like I'm really close to 13 too so it's all good.

So you know how I was talking about my crush IRL, Jacob? Yeah, well, I'm currently trying to get his number because there is a good chance I shan't ever see him again. It's scaring the crap out of me. Because I really like him. And I know it sounds cheesy. I'm sorry. People can have crushes right? I hope so. Whatever.

Everyone has been sleeping the whole drive there (except for the driver, but she stops at points to sleep). And I'm just like over there in my corner abandoning myself from humanity by going on every social media trying to get people to talk to me because I'm so bored. I was like," Guys, my DM is open for youuuu message me PLEZ! :3"

Oh by the way, I don't have a AskFM anymore because it was taking up too much space on my phone and I was like priorities. So just ask me things in DMs. Seriously, my DM is open for everyone(except the creeps).

#WhenYourRunningOutOfThingsToSay #JustGirlyThings #JustWattPadThings #lol #imsosorry #ishouldgonow

I'm going to try to write a lot in this chapter. But I might fall asleep trying. It's 11:39 right now. Again, I haven't slept AT ALL. So I'm a little bit sleepy but couldn't fall asleep.

YUSSS we are 2 miles away from the hotel of death. I'm slightly happy, slightly scared. Eh. So I just noticed there are quite a lot of Ehs in this chapter. I might just write 500 words for y'all. Because I care. Or do I? DUN DUN DUNNN!!!!!! I'm so sorry.

Literally almost there. Like I can see it. So good bye it was nice talking to you. I don't know. It was. Yay! Bye love you!

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