chapter 2 - neglected

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2 year timeskip (naruto pov) 

it was dusk the worst part of my day it's when all the villagers come out but by that time i've been caught and they pay that man to do something to me i ran into the forest and hide in a cave i found a month ago i sat there till i was shoved in a bag by him and dragged away i was pulled out again and tied to a post "ok ladys and gentleman the fox is here today we have a new punishment and that is braking a glass bottle on it" everyone cheerd but me and then payed to do one of the punishments "ok those who choose sexual desires you go last" i person squeeled and that told me only one person choose that 'oh crap kuruma, grampa 3rd help me!' 

'calm down there is nothing we can do to help sadly just come to us so you don't see what happening we won't touch the controls to you body remember you turned them to autopilot and your the only one that knows the password' 

'thanks grampa 3rd' i had first meet the two on my 1st birthday when i was being treated like crap its always worse on my birthday and that so happens to be today i retreated into my mind and there we played cards till i felt the torture stop i looked at one of the screens to see it was over we finished playing and i left "you know kid your not useless after all" said the masked man who controlled kuruma 2 years ago he let me go and walked off while i limpet to my so called family, kuruma was healing me as i went first my leg so i walked i looked up to the moon it was high in the sky it was midnight i got to the namikaze estate everyone was asleep i walked to my room and there was two presents on my mattress i read who they were from 'to naruto from jiraiya' and 'to naruto from tsunada' i smiled and opened my godmothers first it was an entrance exam to the academy my daw dropped, picked it back up and opened my godfathers next (i'll just call the jira-sama and tsuna-sama) i opened it and saw 3 books, 1 was his first ever written book, the 2nd was a book with 101 jutsu's and the last book was the first volume of make out paradise. i went to sleep after i hid my presents. 

tsunada pov 

"jiraiya what did you give naruto?, i gave him an entrance exam for the academy" "i gave him my first book, 101 jutsu's and the first volume to make out paradise" i punched him in the head and shouted "BAKA, YOU DON'T GIVE A 2 YEAR OLD A BOOK ABOUT THAT!!" he shivered and hid behind a pole "then why did you give him an entrance exam" he said nervous written in his eyes "i asked the academy to and told them it was naruto, the headmaster there is a good friend of mine and thinks of naruto as his grandson, he did help naruto a couple of times getting him away from mobs, he said he'd put naruto in a class were the teacher doesn't hate naruto" i said and he nodded at me we reached the street were we had to separate i walk left and he kept going strate 'i can't believe mineto forgot that naruto even exsisted! he is so going to pay one day if he forgets again' 

naruto pov 

i woke up on my uncomfortable bed i heard banging on my door i opened it by a crake and looked out "NARUTO WHERE WERE YOU LAST NIGHT!!" kusina yeld at me "i was walking in the east forest and lost track of time" i lied she nodded "get your breakfast and eat in your room we don't want to see your face"  "ok, why don't you just forget about me (no pun intended) and live your lifes happly with out me" i whispered the last part so she can't hear me and grabbed my breakfast and went back to my room, after eating i took out the entrance exam and a pencil and sat at my desk, at one point i heard meko squel and i looked out a crake in my wall and saw them having i tickle fight i sat back down and continued i finished it and saw it was dusk again but i felt safe because that man can't get me here (toby/obito can't walk through walls, he snuck into the place were kusina was giving birth) i went down stairs grabbed dinner and took it to my room i sat on my mattress and ate while reading jira-sama's first book i smiled when i read the last word i closed the book and placed it in its hiding place and went down stairs washed my plate and went to my room again but before that i grabbed a map of the estate and a map of the house to see where all the hidden passageways were and some money, food supplies and stationary i ran to my room it was the attic so i had two flights of stairs luckly kusina and mineto took meko out for dinner i got to my room and locked the door and ran up a small flight of stairs my room contained a mattress, desk, coboard, no windows but there was a secret door i only knew about i checked it would open and close it would i made sure it wasn't rusty and fixed a lock on it i made some keys and put them in a wooden box i found i had a key and hid one of the other keys in my room i, i also hid the box of keys in a carved out hole in my wall above my desk and put the estate map over it, my room also had heaps of boxs in it, i grabbed two empty boxs and labled them 'keep' and 'destroy' i started sorting everything untill i heard banging on my door and opened it tiedly there stood kusina "how long have you been here?" she asked "all day, why?" i was shocked that she asked "good we don't want you shaming your father" i nodded my head  'thought so' "you are no longer able to leave this house without permission, got it, we are doing this to protect the village i will send you your food in tubes to you room set them up" she said annoyed i did so i went back to my room as sone as she shut the door she locked it, i went back to sorting i found a fridge, stove, empty storage scrolls, bookself, bed frame, comfortable mattress, two rugs decorated with monkeys and foxs (lord 3rd was a monkey summoner and kuruma is the nin tailed fox), posters, books with different jutsu's in it, heater, stand up fan, plates and bowls, cutlery, ninja wepouns, emty books, paints + brushes and a lot more there was alot of stuff that needed to be destoyed i finished up and put all the empty boxs in a storage scroll then destroyed the scroll and all the boxs at once i had also put the trash in it so not to wast scrolls, i started moving everything around there was also a window so i climed the fridge and cut the right size hole in the roof i looked out the hole and saw a abandoned training court 'heaven must be smiling down on me' 

'yer kit its like you have your own home' 

'thanks for the compliment kuruma' i replyed and put the open - close widow in i then jumped back into my room closing my new window, i saw it was morning then there was a faint know on the window i looked up and saw jira-sama and tsuna-sama i opened the window and thay saw i sorted all the boxs and gained stuff from them they smiled and sat down on the coach i found i told them about my new rules just then my food came up in the tube via scroll the two guests were raiding my fridge and came back happy with their choose in food "naru we can bring you food so you don't only get two meals a day" they said caring i jumped up and ran to the wooden box they watched me as i got two keys and showed the the secret door and passed them them keys "so you don't have to come in through the window" i said "for a 2 year old your really smart, we can help you finsh of moving things you rest i can tell you haven't slept yet, am i right" i nodded my head tiedly i hab only been able to move the fridge, make the bed and get the window in, i lay on my new bed as tsuna-sama tucked me in and started moving things around i just fell asleep instently.

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