chapter 10

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hay guys i started this on the 18/04/2016 and i have no idea when i will get the time to finish it but i will put the date at the end of the chapter any ways here goes nothing oh and i decided to give you a longer chapter. 


1 year time skip

kiya p.o.v 

naruto and i have been in hiding for the past year since we made an underground bunker that we are the only one's who can get in well obito can also come in so he is our source of food and information the kages are still looking for us as he said but still we can't come out for a long time or we are going to end up in jail. "kiya i'm back with more food for you oh and they added you to the bingo books!" obito called out "really they added me pass me the book" he passed me the book and on the first page it had me 


name = kiya namikaze-uzamaki-uchiha

rank = sss-rank

clans = namikaze, uzamaki and uchiha

village = konoha

activity = missing nin

crime = she attacked the 5 kage in the middle of a meeting, destroyed several homes and the hokage tower 

ability = EMS, chakra chains, high speed, the two tailed beast and all the jutsu her clans know 

chakra nature = fire release, wind release, earth release, paint release and lightning release

other = she is the jinjuriki of the two tailed beast and the younger sister of the fourth hokage 

if spotted = if you encounter her run as far as you can and tell someone when you are at a safe distance you must be at kage level power to go up against her, if you are able capture her then bring her to the hidden leaf village and receive the reward. 

bounty = 80 000 000 ryo


and naruto already had his name in the bingo book his bounty and crimes changed and thats pretty much it i look up at obito and he hands me this weeks food that looks like it can last us a month "kiya their starting to trail me so i will be coming every month i gave you enough food to last a month so i'll see you next month tell naruto, ok?" i nodded and he left naruto walked out of his room "obito know comes every month because their starting to follow him we do have enough food for this month, got that?" i said/asked he nodded and went to take a shower and go change for training. i sighed and went into my training room we each have one but i need to train more then him because i have orochemaru, minato, A, onoki, mei, don't know the name of the 4th kazakage, the akatsuki and a whole lot more people after me "so i've used the 100 weights so know the 200 weights" i said to myself and picked up the weights they were super heavy i started my work out. 

3 year time skip still kiya p.o.v 

Naruto and i are still in hiding but we have grown stronger in bounds and in power we have grown to love the darkness obito thinks were crazy but who cares? We haven't seen anybody but obito, our beasts, the ones who sealed them in us and ourselfs so nobody else has seen or heard from us in 4 years and obito tells me that minato and the other kages are starting to get really pissed at our disapearance. Well atleased the akatsuki and orochemaru have kept low. i wonder how lyric is i fell like running out of this place and straight to him but i'm not going to do that even if when i last visted the fairy tail guild i promished that i would keep comrades close to my heart no matter what but that was literally right after i got away from orochemaru like 2 weeks after my escape. "Kiya i'm back with this months food!" Obito shouted i walked out of my training room with my know heel length opal hair following me "finally i'm starving" i called to him i was wearing black skiny jeans, a very dark purple tank top, black sneakers, black hair tie holding my hair in a high pony tail (the end of the pony tail is at her heels and before the time skips she had ear length hair so massive change) and black leather gloves you could see i had a muscular build but not to muscular but i had a very hot body so says naru and obito but who cares really. "uh kiya don't you think its about time to cut your hair?" obito asked "why would i do that i like my hair long" he nodded and gave me the food "i over heard that their gonna start looking underground for you guys you have about 4-5 years left of hiding but the tsuchikage and mizukage have forgiven you since it has been 4 years and can look back at it and laugh but the other three are still pissed you will be able to move above ground in about 2-3 months because your appearance and style have changed same with naru see ya kiya" i waved goodbye to him told naru the news he was half happy half nervous "but naru we can't go to any of the hidden villages we risk being recognised if we do that but we can always go and see some of my friends in other parts of the world that i haven't seen since i escaped orochemaru all those years ago" he nodded and went back to training while i put the new food away once done i got back to training in my training room i'm learning how to summon the dragons this would be my first summon when you get to a certain strength and have the right type of heart the dragons will come to you so far i can summon igneel, grenadine, weslogia, skidrum and metalicana (since this is a naruto x attack on titan x fairy tail i have to have the dragons as the fairy tail ones or it will make no sense in adding fairy tail) but thats it so far i can't wait to see the dragon slayers face's when i summon them. the dragons have been the ones to train me and naruto in their magic they were happy to help naru out since they kinda owe kuruma from a while back and since he is sealed into naru their training him and me because i am the one that can summon them and that  hasn't happened since the sage of the six paths i also unlocked the rinnegun so i know have the same type of eyes as the sage of the six paths thats another reason the dragons wanted me to be their summoner. naru and i have also found a way for our tailed beasts to come out and not kill us well naru already knew so he showed me how to do it but they still have to go back in because they can't survive out in this world because if they stay out to long their chakra will start to disappear but they go back in anyway because and i quote 'we have made our home with in you and that is where we will stay'  i personally am fine with that but naru was a little scared of matatabi at first but got use to her and yes the two tails is a girl not a guy i don't see why people think she is a guy. also naruto got to meet the guy that sealed the two tails into me his name is Mario vargas he has red hair, purple eyes, a baggy shirt and ripped jeans (all credit goes to Little-Miss-Priss *she's my older sister go follow her!*) he is talking to kuruma right know and he won't shut up and i can tell kuruma is getting irrupted as well how does matatabi put up with him?! "mario why don't you go back right know i'm sure the rest of us are really tied" we all nodded and i unsummoned him and went to my room and fell asleep.

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