chapter 7

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kiya p.o.v

we jumped away from minato and meko and started running through the village picking up any one that wanted to join our side by the time we got to the gate kakashi and guy were deciding on what challenge today i ran up to them "i see you two are still rivals" they jumped a bit but turned to me "yes what about it" i smirked "well me and minato are having a paint war and i'm out here recruiting so i have an idea of what your challenge could be" they nodded "ok so if you agree to join my side the better side you guys could count how many people you get until your hit yourself and no hitting each other with the paint or the other wins. don't worry its only paint it won't kill anyone" kakashi smirked and guy held out a thumbs up "so your in?" they nodded and we started running back we got to the edge of the forest when a water ballon went past my face i turned to see two purple figures looking at us the people behind me laughed "who are they?" they said i smirked and walked over to them "didn't i say you needed upgrades......minato" the group that was joining our forces were know rolling around on the ground i dropped a grand and ran pulling the group with me we looked back just in time for an explosion on glitter glue we all snickered "umm kiya when do we get there?" kakashi asked "were here just look up" i said pointing above us they looked up and gasped above us was a massive base shikamaru jumped down and started lecturing me about coming back with out lyric he then split them in there devisions kakashi and guy followed me to the weaponry "yo we needed combat gear and stat" i yelled ten-ten came out and saw kakashi and guy then went back in for a moment then came out again with the gear "here you go just don't brake them" she said they put them on while i went to get their weapons i came out half covered in paint "why did we get him" i muttered to my self and gave them their weapons  and sent them onto the battle field i looked below and saw lyric panicking i smirked and jumped down and landed on his shoulders standing up "yo lyric how things going" i said he looked up (she is wearing paints) and sighed i jumped down to the ground this time just as shikamaru came up next to us "this war is coming to the climax, the enemy is still trying to find us and is close, they've sent in kushina so we should look out, its your turn to go into battle your in the stealth unit  their just waiting orders to attack, your going with her lyric" we both nodded and went to get stealth gear on once we did the enemy was right below us looking for us it was the five kage and kushina in battle gear including a very sparkly 4th hokage "minato you sure this is the direction they came" kushina asked "yes they should be somewhere around here" he said looking from side to side then down then up seeing the massive base with me and lyric poking our heads over the railing he gulped getting the other 5's attention he pointed up just as we readied our weapons they all looked up and also gulped i jumped down with the army "time to have some fun" i said charging at the group in front of us who had broken out of their trance 1 second too late i hit them with paint bombs making them multicoloured i heard bee snicker at the sight of a hot pink riekage same with the other cloud nin we had here sadly that was short lived when they attacked us we may outnumber them but they do have more power.

??? p.o.v

"captain we've been out side the walls for about 2 weeks and haven't seen a single titan over on this side of the walls" "you're right something is up we should see if there are any civilisations here!" (guess who they aaaarrrreeee) this is getting really strange we would normally run into trouble about know and especially with that suisidal maniac here *sigh*. just as we finished talking there was a massive blue explosion we quickly got to the source of this and saw kiya and what seemed like two armies battling each other in a paint war? "umm kiya is that you under all that paint" someone looked our way then came running at top speed "is that you levi?" "so it was you who caused this" i said pointing to the painted blue area behind her "yep wanna join our side in this paint war?" i looked at my team some were confused the rest were smirking and nodding their heads at me i sighed "sure why not but there better be some explanation after the battle!" she smirked and gave us paint guns and ran of with paint bombs i looked at my team "ok time for a paint war the ones dressed like the girl just know are the allies the others are the enemy, know go" they all smirked and ran of to join in the paint battle i went to go talk to kiya who was know multicoloured i sweat dropped "umm kiya can you tell which side is wining and which side has the better equipment?" she looked at me and grabbed the coller of my jacket along with two other men and pulled us up to a base hidden in the leaves and then into a room "ok lyric, gaara make sure nobody gets in while were talking" she said to the two she brought along with her who exited the room and stood guard at the door "ok levi i brought you up here so the enemy doesn't hear what we are talking about because they might try to steal our weapons" i nodded "ok so our side is winning by a long shot in power and numbers, the weapons are top quality specially made by top quality weapon makers we hired for our side of this war" i nodded again "can you tell me how this war started and where the hell we are because as you know we come from behind the walls and well the fact is were used to seeing titans beyond the wall i thought you had been killed by a titan when you left the citadel 2 and a half years ago how are you still alive!?" "arg you talk to much levi for one i'll tell you how it started later, were in the village hidden in the leaves and i know you come from with in the walls, WHY THE HELL DID YOU THINK I WAS DEAD I WAS ONE OF YOUR BEST PEOPLE YOU DUMBASS?!" i shrunk back because she was also the most scariest people i know. her hair was like snakes just then there was a knock on the door.

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