chapter 4 - the mission

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naru pov 

i got to the hidden cloud after one and a half days of travel the riekage and his brother bee "so naruto you were sent" i took my mask off and grinned at the two i already knew what the mission was and that was keep bee's squad safe the reason was that every time the clouds selected genin for the chuunin exams were sent on a mission they would go missing so they brought me into play to keep this group safe we had a mission to go on tomorrow and i was aloud to wear what i want the mission tomorrow was a linked mission with the leaf the rank was C the riekage would accompany us and the hokage and his wife would go wiith them they would introduce the squads then go home i'm so dead we set of with the riekage "you planned this didn't you?" i asked him he smirked as we arrived first as sone as i saw the leafs group i hid behind the riekage shaking in fear because the team sent was squad 7 i'm so dead, so so so dead they landed and i made saw i was out of vew from them "riekage weres the leader of your group?" "shaking i fear behind my back" they were all confused so dad teleported in front of me i gulped "h-hay d-dad" he picked me up by the back of the shirt and showed me to everyone kusina who was happy a minute ago was know glaring at me the riekage and my group started laughing at me i mphed and crossed my arms and looked at the client and burst out laughing everyone looked at me and then at the client who was also laughing "nice to see ya again tazona have those two made out yet?" "nope and plus there both boys" after that i got a massive lecture from both of my parents about leaving just a letter telling them i'm on a mission then a lecture from bakashi then we set off i stayed away from bakashi because i'm to young to die it was night fall and we set up camp we all had our own tent i was in mine drawing bakashi and iruka-sensei having sex till bakashi came in i gulped and hid the book "what were you drawing?" "spider pigs crawling all over my tent?" oh no it was more like a question he knows i lied "are you lying to me" i shoke my head and he leaped for the book i quickly got out of the tent book in hand and running from bakashi in the end he got the picture and i got punished "know i don't have any sanity left" "what sanity you never had any" bakashi said and i grinned at him then thought of a prank i could pull on them we went to bed and i got the plan into actioni dug a mote around each tent felled them with random things but not tazona he helped out we waited till mourning then the plan was put  into action they all steped out and fell for it while i just ran for my life with tazona by a group of colourful creatures we made it to the land of waves the others washed up after tying us to trees and went back and got their stuff after they came back and saw us not there i jumped on bakashi's back and tazona had just jumped down bakashi was boyond pissed at me but let me stay on his shoulders as we crossed we did as we walked to tazonas house i asked "do you think their making out?" he was about to answer when a sword came flying at us and hit a tree zaboza landed on the helt and i decided to do some art i chucked a can of rainbow paint at him, he looked like he was going to kill someone i started snicking away until sakura spoke up "naruto where are you going?" zuboza snapped his head at me and then threw the blade again and trapped me "you can't just greet someone normally can you" "normal? is that a new type of fish, oh and have you hoked up with haku yet" a angry tic mark appeared on his head then bakashi spoke up "naruto how do you know him, his the demon of the mist, zaboza moomoochi, his a criminal!" "how can he be a criminal when his dream is to a turnip?" "i would watch what you say i do have you trapped" "really?" i said teleporting away from the sword he picked it up and started to attack me the others just sweatdropped i ended in having alot of deep cuts that won't heall until after i get back to the leaf. 

1 month and 3 weeks later(naru pov) 

it was finally time for me to go home i was going to help escort the riekage and the genin that were going to the chuunin exams back at the leaf village. i had already thought up a plan to prank dad and since bee and his team are coming they have decided to help me. we haven't told the riekage and never plan to because we would probably die by his hands *gulps* right now i am mixing rainbow paint, glue and glitter together and putting that in small tanks then in scrolls i also had a mountain of plushes and lolly pops that had to go in scrolls but sadly i have to make this first. i heard a knock on the on the door and got up and answered it there stood bee and his team "yo Naruto" "hay octo-pops why are you here?" "we came to help you Naruto" (sorry can't remember their names think ones omowi?) said the one with the bright pink hair the others nodded, i let them in and had bee and omowi? help me with the colourful mixture while the other two put the toys and lolly in scrolls we all sighed and got to work but grinning all together and got to work. they left after finishing the preparations we were leaving in three days even though we could leave in a week my mum and dad expected me home by the end of the week. i cleaned up the place, then i fell asleep smirking that night not wanting to wait to get back to the village. 

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