The Absence of Light - #100WordScream

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They say the last thing you hear are the voices, that there is a grain of truth at the dark heart of any legend.

Encase yourself in the uncaring darkness of stone and listen beyond the beating of your heart: it is never silent. Stone never sleeps, and neither do the beings who live there. The absence of light does not mean the absence of life, or the absence of knowledge. Older beings than us inhabit the lithic deeps, beings we used to fear and pay homage to.

They have never forgotten this, even if we have.

I hear something...


A drabble, exactly 100 words (not including this bit) written for the #100WordScream challenge on the paranormalcommunity profile. 

Thank you to angusecrivaingenk01 and godhand for challenging me to do this one. 

And now I'd like to extend the challenge to rylanalessandraColbyLangMoranmollydianatulaJing_JingNickUskoskipantopicon, all the ambassadors and anyone else at wattpad 

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